Christmas/Snoggletog Special

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Normal POV:

The Riders went to bed, not knowing what was waiting for them in five neatly wrapped boxes under the tree.

Echo, Amber and Lizz admired their handiwork.

"Not bad for a few hours' work." Amber said.  "I really need to see them as hybrids again.  Last time was so funny."

"Yes, I believe the twins managed to blow up your training room?" Echo asked.

"Of course!" Amber said.  "The only difference was that Viggo's ghost was there as well, trying to blow up things with his Skrill, Oregano, and with zippleback gas."

(I've decided to mention Oregano the Skrill because Viggo_Ghost seemed to like naming skrills Oregano.  It's a good name, I'm not hating)

"And I remember that I was beating up Snotlout for flirting with me." Lizz said.

"Yeah, I think I'll put the venom in their drinks tomorrow and then they'll be hybrids again!" Echo said.

"Good plan." Amber said.  "I'm going to sleep.  You guys can take the other guest room."

The next day--in the guest room where the Riders stayed the night

Astrid woke up to find the room empty, and messy.  A note was stuck on the door which read:

We're having Christmas Brunch right now.  Presents will be opened after.  Hurry up unless you don't want any food.  Also, be careful when you open the door.


She went to go open the door and found it locked.

"Ruff, Tuff!  I swear, if this is some sick joke of yours, you're not going to live to see another day!!" she shouted while trying to pick the lock.

She wrenched the door open only to have a ton of fish fall on her head.  (like in The Zippleback Experience)  She growled and stomped into the dining room after struggling out of the fish pile.

"What a way to wake up on Snoggletog morning...." Astrid muttered to herself.  "And I got warned in the letter as well..."

"Hey Astrid!"  Hiccup called, waving her over to him.  "Why is there a fish in your hair?"

"I don't know." she said, pulling the fish from her braid and tossing it to Toothless the cat.  "I woke up and found the door locked.  Then, I opened the door and fish fell on my head."

"Oh, like in The Zippleback Experience!!!" Amber spoke from where she was leaning on the door frame.  "Except that it was Hiccup who got buried."

"I what?"

"No spoilers!" Echo hissed.

"Yeah, whatever." Amber said and then brought out some eggnog that she made.  "You guys should try this.  It's our world's version of....erm...Yaknog."  Then she muttered under her breath.  "Except that ours don't cause people indigestion..."

"So you guys have Yaknog as well?" Astrid asked, taking a sip of hers.  "It tastes different than mine, but it's good."

"Did you put cinnamon in it?" Tuff asked.

"Yes....?  I'll go get you all your gifts now." Amber said and left with a smirk on her face.

In the living room

Five wrapped gifts each containing a hybrid stone sat under the tree along with other wrapped gifts.  Amber grabbed the boxes and went into the eating area, where she almost got hit in the face with a fork.  She leaned her head to the side and it flew past her, shattering the light bulb in the wall light.

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