Christmas/Snoggletog shopping

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Amber's POV:

I ended up buying them burgers and Subway sandwiches along with some Starbucks because I'm nice like that.  Also, it was really smart of me to steal my friend's unlimited credit card, so I could buy whatever weapon I want along with all the food I want.

"I'm back guys, can you clear off the---" I stopped abruptly, seeing a security guard questioning Astrid.  "What is going on over there?"

This is actually bad.  They never interrogated me for bringing a machete, staff, combat knife, katana, throwing knives, shurikens and a magic labradorite necklace in here before.

I placed the food on a table beside them and waited for the right moment to interfere.

With the Dragon Riders

Normal POV:

A security guard approached the Riders. 

"Excuse me, miss." he said to Astrid.  "But, axes are not allowed in the mall.  This is a no weapons zone."

Ruff and Tuff hid their knives in a bag that Amber gave them while Hiccup subtly placed his dagger in his sleeve.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Astrid said.  "Um, this might sound weird, but do I know you?  You sound familiar."

"You need to give me your weapon and I will have someone give it to you when you are leaving." (Why does that sound like a teacher?  idk, just go with it) He ignored Astrid's question.

"Hi guys, is everything all right here?" Amber asked.  The guard visibly flinched when Amber approached.

"Did you get the food already?" Snotlout asked.

"Yeah, it's on the table over there."

"Yes!!" Ruff and Tuff jumped up and brought the trays over, completely ignoring the security guard for the time being.  The guard looked at them, baffled.

"Astrid, where's your axe?" Amber asked.

"Oh, he took it." she pointed at the security guard.  "Said it was a no weapons zone or something."

"Huh, well that's funny because the last time I was here, I had a quiver on my back and several knives strapped to my arms, legs and hip and they didn't confiscate the weapons.  And plus, I had my big group of friends who were each armed to the teeth and they didn't have any trouble." Amber said and she suddenly pulled the hat off the guard.  "Well look who it is.  Trait--I mean, Trader Johann."

"Johann?!" the Dragon Riders said in disbelief.

"You got trapped in the swirling black hole of death as well?" Fishlegs asked.

"I told you to stop lingering around my house after I send away Vikings and Dragons!" Amber started to drag Johann away to Thor knows where while the Dragon Riders stared after her in confusion.

"Master Hiccup, help me!!"

"Hiccup, don't." Amber said as she shoved Johann head first into a plant pot.  She then froze him in Bweilderbeast ice and left him in the freezer in Dairy Queen.  "You traitorous imbecile, stay there unless you want a one way ticket to Valhalla."  She came back holding ice cream and an assortment of throwing knives.

"I regret agreeing to coming here with that crazy girl." Snotlout said.  "Why are we even here?  I miss Girl Hookfang."

Hookfang the Komodo dragon blew a tiny stream of fire in his face.

"What the--?  He can breath fire?!"

"Heard that." Amber said.  "Now, I need to go buy stuff for my friends for Christmas."

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