Christmas/Snoggletog Special part 2

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Normal POV:

Everyone stared at Stormfly with the mistletoe in her beak.  The other Dragon/pets seemed very proud of her and all had smug looks on their faces.  (Do animals have smug expressions)

Amber returned wearing a black coat and boots.  She had several empty bags in her hand and an orange card in her other hand.

"Where are you going?" Hiccup asked, making everyone forget about them being under the mistletoe.  Stormfly chirped in annoyance and dismay.

"I'm going Boxing Day shopping." she said.

"What's that?" Ruff asked.  "Is it where you go around hitting people and buy stuff?"

"No.  It's the day after Christmas where everything is on sale and it's also an opportunity to return any gifts you don't like."

"It's rude to return the gifts." Astrid frowned.  "People spend time and money to get said gifts."

"Yeah, I don't go to return gifts, I go for the sales." Amber said.  "Now let's go."

They went outside to a bus station.  To the Riders, it was a bench with a pole and a sign.

"What are we doing here?" Tuff asked.

"We're waiting for the bus, now shush." Amber said and got out her compass card.

"What's a bus?" Fishlegs asked.

"It's a transportation system." Amber answered.  "Similar to how you Vikings get around using dragons, we modern day humans use buses and cars."

"What are cars?" Snotlout asked.

"Cars are---oh, look, the bus is here."

The bus arrived and it was driven by none other than Trait-----Trader Johann.  

Amber's POV:

Three things ran through my head when that little backstabbing traitor showed up in the bus.

One:  how did he escape the ice block and the freezer with double locks?

Two:  how did he not die from hypothermia?  I wish he died from hypothermia, oh wait, he does.  In RTTE season 6 episode 13, King of Dragons part 2.  Allow me to rephrase.  Why couldn't he die of hypothermia sooner?


Four: Does he have a license? 

Five:  Will the cops arrest him for stealing a bus?

I know I said three, but still...

Normal POV:

"Morning, Dragon Riders, how've you been?" Johann asked in what the Riders thought was a friendly tone.

"It was going really well until you showed up." Amber said with a forced smile on her face.

"Why you---"

"Now come on, with Johann driving this, I feel like I don't need my card." Amber said, putting her card away in her wallet with a light fury design.

" Amber said, putting her card away in her wallet with a light fury design

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