Reading fan fictions

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Traitor Johann's POV:

(I thought it would be cool to do part of a chapter in the traitor's POV)

That blasted girl left me in the freezer again.  Is she trying to make a new enemy?  If so, it's working.

The ice had melted off a long time ago, but another girl with Night Fury wings flew in and trapped me again.  It seems that Amber and her friends have a thing for trapping innocent traders in ice blocks.  Also, that hybrid girl.  Never heard of those before.  Maybe there are more hybrids around these parts, might be one or two that will be willing to help me.

I was merely trying to engage in some friendly conversation with the Riders when she rudely interrupted, saying I was a traitor.  A traitor of all things.  I've never done anything wrong, other than help Dagur escape, and team up with the Grimborns, but I had no choice!

What are you supposed to do when a crazy berserker has you a knife point?  I may have actually agreed, but that doesn't mean that I can't be nice when I want to.

Right now, I'm standing outside of Amber's house, outside her window.  She was watching something on her rectangular box that makes noises like dings and bell sounds.  I could see the Riders watching something on the big rectangular box.  They were watching this moving picture thing that showed people fighting weird deformed people.  Why would anyone watch something like that?  That's just weird.

I need to get my knives and spear back.  Why must this girl be obsessed with weapons?  Maybe I should try to become a dragon hybrid like that Night Fury girl.  Maybe that'll make retrieving my knives and spear a lot easier.  Or I should look for a hybrid.

I found another hybrid alright.  One that looked like the Night Fury girl, except she had white wings and ear plates.

Is she a LIGHT FURY?!  I didn't know that those existed.  I thought they were just a myth.

This is great!  I should get her to help me retrieve my weapons.  I was about to approach her when she spotted me and threw me in this glowing, purple hole.  

Normal POV:

The Riders were watching TV while Amber was on her phone.  She was doing what some HTTYD fans do in their spare time.  Reading HTTYD fan fictions.  She was reading ones where Stoick didn't die and ones where Valka didn't go missing when Hiccup was a child.  In other words, she was reading an Everyone-Is-Happy-And-Did-Not-Die AU story.

(Speaking of HTTYD fan fictions, I recommend you all to read Legends of the Dragon Riders and Secrets of the Dragon Riders by TheEarthMother.  I think they're both fantastic stories and you should definitely check them out)

"Amber, what are you reading?" Snotlout asked when Astrid paused the movie to go get food from the pantry labeled "Visitor's Food, (terms and conditions apply)".

"I'm reading fan fictions." she replied.

"What are fan fictions?"

"They're stories written by a fan of a certain book, movie or game using characters from said book, movie or game."

"What does that mean?" Tuff asked.

"So for example, someone in a movie dies, and you hated that fact.  So if you're a fan of that movie, you might write a story where that character lives instead of dying." Amber explained.

"I see." Ruff said.  "Maybe we could read those after watching, what is this moving picture thing called?"

"It's called a movie and it's the movie I was watching.  Battle of the Five Armies." Amber said.

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