Going to the Movie Theater

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Disclaimer:  The time goes faster in this book than in the real world.  Some of the movies mentioned in this chapter have already been released for a very long time, so keep that in mind.

Disclaimer #2: contains some spoilers for Jurassic World: The Fallen Kingdom

Amber's POV:

The year of 2019 seemed to be going well for everyone.  Well, if you could count dinosaurs, demigods and dwarves messing up your house as doing well, then I'm doing great!  The Riders have gotten over their shock in being transported to another dimension, and have gotten along with the Hybrids pretty well.  Or, as well as a Viking could get on with a Hybrid, that is.

The twins seemed to enjoy the new hybrid powers they got as zipplebacks, with Ruff being able to summon and control the gas, while her brother could snap his fingers and sparks would fly off and ignite the gas.  Astrid grew Nadder wings and a tail, which could disappear and reappear any time she wants.  She could also shoot magnesium flames from her palms as well as control her tail to shoot spikes.  This was the case with Fishlegs, Hiccup and Snotlout, only they had the features and powers of their respective dragons.

I decided to go to the movies, to watch something because I don't want to stay in the house full of lunatics.  Besides, I have coupons for the movie theater and I want to use them because the food there is expensive.

"Guys?  I'm going out." I said.

"With who?" was Ruff's immediate response.  That got a laugh out of most of the Riders and a glare from me.  I was going to answer but was cut off when Delta ran past with Leo on his back.  I'm not gonna ask why demigods are riding dinosaurs, because to be honest, that's a pretty normal thing in my house.

"With myself, Miss Ruffnut." I said, mocking Johann's voice.   "I've had enough of demigods, hybrids and dinosaurs for one day."

"We're not that bad!" Snotlout protested.

"I didn't mean you." I said, pausing.  "Or maybe I did.  You can never know what goes on in my head." I turned away to grab my bag.

"Can we go with you?" Fishlegs asked.  

"I don't see why not." I said.  "Let's go to the bus stop."

"Is that the place where Johann showed up and you threw him out of the bus?" Tuff asked.


"Do we need those orange and blue cards that some people at the mall were carrying?" Hiccup asked.


"Why not?" Astrid asked.


We walked to the bus stop shivering slightly because it was still winter and because I was a bit sick.  The bus showed up and guess who was driving it?

Johann!!!  How amazing.......not.

The bus was a double decker with an open roof.  How did the traitor even get his filthy hands on a bus like this?  How did he escape the Occamies and leave the suitcase?

"Welcome Dragon Riders!" Johann said with a fake smile.

"Hi Johann!" Tuff waved.

"Tuff, don't interact with the enemy." I said.

"Ms. Amber, I am wounded that you think of me in such a way." he said with false hurt, but his eyes showed fear that I knew his true intentions.

"Shut up Johann.  I have to go to the movie theater.  I want to watch Jurassic World, the Fallen Kingdom." I grumbled.  (I am aware that the Fallen Kingdom came out quite some time ago, but I really, really liked that movie, even though it was sad.)

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