We're in the future???

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Italics = the future dragon riders talking

Normal POV:

"I just had the best idea!!!" Amber shouted suddenly.

"I thought you were depressed over sad movies." Astrid said.

"Well I like this idea so I'm happy again!!!" Amber was practically jumping around in excitement.

"Well let's hear it." Hiccup said.

"Can we not?" Snotlout asked.  "Last time we heard one of her great ideas, I ended up inside of a weird paper box thing that smelled like dead stuff."

"It's called a paper maché urn." Amber shot back.  "And how was I supposed to know that the black Toothless-shaped button was not for creating perfect chicken wings, but was instead used to trap people inside the urn!"

"Uh, didn't you label the different buttons?" Astrid asked.

"I did, but some genius switched all of the labels so I don't know which is which."

"Hey, that took me over two hours." Leo exclaimed.  "And your OCD does not make things easier."

"Wait, I thought you were at CHB." Amber frowned.  "Whatever, just don't do it again.  Bye." 

"Hey, what does this button do?" Ruff pointed to a button shaped like a Dragon Eye Lens.

"Only one way to find out." Tuff pressed it just as Amber shouted "No!"

Nothing happened when Tuff pressed the button.  Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Aww, I was hoping that did work." Amber sighed and started poking the machine in which all the buttons were located on.

"Why?" Fishlegs asked.

Right before Amber was about to reply, the Riders were enveloped in a blue-green light and then they disappeared from Amber's home.  The dragon-pets just blinked and all went back to sleep.

"Oh well." she shrugged and jumped into the portal. "I guess they're going to see Gruffnut impersonate Tuffnut and yeah, that'll be fun."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

~on the Edge, in the episode Gruff around the Edges~

The Riders landed in a heap above the Thunder Ear, all of them groaning about their sore limbs and bruises.

"Why did Tuff have to press that stupid button?" Snotlout complained, trying to get the feeling back into his arm.

"Hey, I was just curious."

"Yeah, and you didn't hear Amber shout NO?" Fishlegs asked.

"She said that after I pressed the button." Tuff argued.

"No, I'm pretty sure you pressed it as I was saying no." Amber said, appearing from a swirling blue-green portal.  "Oh, and you're all invisible to the Dragon Riders living here."

"Wow!!  That's so cool!" Ruff cheered. 

"Yeah, think of all the people we can Loki!" Tuff added.

"And this is why my temporary invisibility spells cause whoever it is cast upon to become ghost like, and float through objects and through air." Amber said, pushing Tuff into the ground to prove her point.

"Wow!  I'm stuck in the ground!  Look!"

"We can see that." Hiccup deadpanned.


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