Important A/N

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I'm so sorry about my lack of updating for this story and for HTTYD Truth or Dare and for Everyone meets HTTYD.

I'm very stressed with what's going on with my life right now.  I'm going into senior year in high school, and even though I just started summer break, I'm already kind of stressed.

My escape from the stress is to write and draw, and I do that often.  I've been writing a story with my IRL friend editing, and between that, the HTTYD books on Wattpad, and other things that's going on in my life, it's hard to juggle all that.

I really want to finish this book, seeing as I never got to finish HTTYD watches RTTE, but to put it bluntly, I can't.

Every time I sit down to write a chapter for this story, my mind just blanks out.

I can't remember anything that I've planned for HTTYD watches RTTE and that includes how I wanted it to end.

I don't want to put this book on hiatus, but I might have to, due to my inability to think of what I planned for this story.  I also lost any notes I wrote down, so that's great....not.

I'm also taking a small break from HTTYD.

I will do my best to update, but as you may have noticed, I haven't exactly been following my one update per week schedule.

I hope you all understand, and I'm sorry if I came off as sounding like I'm giving up.

I'm not giving up, I'm just taking a break.

And until I overcome my life problems and stress, I won't be very active on Wattpad.

See you later, Hybrids

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