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So if you  guys don't know, I really like Creepypasta, and I am currently writing a Creepypasta story.  My IRL friend is helping me edit it.

Basically what I'm saying is that after I finish writing it out on Google Docs and it's all edited and stuff like that, I will put it on Wattpad.

Those of you who have stuck around since HTTYD watches RTTE will know that Amber is my main OC, meaning she's not just in HTTYD stories.  She'll be in the new story and her character will have absolutely zero connection with my HTTYD books.

I'm saying this because I don't want you to be confused.


Sorry for not updating HTTYD in the Modern World.  I have a lot on my plate right now.  Like family problems, school stuff and all the fun and amazing things that a person has to go through at some point in life.

Let me know if you want to read my current in progress story and I'll post a part of a chapter from that book in the next HTTYD in the Modern World update

I'll see you hybrids in the next chapter!

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