Trying to bake macarons

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So, I'm going to write a cooking chapter for this book because why not? Also, I suck at cooking, the best I could do is make a cake that tastes somewhat decent..........oh, and cookies and waffles, those are easy to make as well. I'm trying to make macarons, but I can't cause.....I just can't. In this chapter, they'll be making macarons because, why not?

oK, on to the chapter.

Normal POV:

It has been quite some time since Smaug the Sword Stealer was introduced to the Riders of Berk, and right now, all they were trying to do was to not let the adolescent dragon too close to their weapons, because the weapons could possibly stick to his magnetic hide and they'll not get it back for a really long time. It was most likely that they'll never get their weapons back because Amber's dragons were usually very protective of their............belongings.

"Hey, can you get this thing off of my sword?" Snotlout asked, trying to separate the dragon from his blade.

"No." the young dragon said, and stuck his tongue out at Snotlout.

"He just stuck his tongue out at me!" he exclaimed, letting go of the sword handle in surprise and allowing the dragon to clamber onto a shelf.

"Smaug, have you been playing with Barf and Belch and the twins?" Amber asked from the kitchen.

"Yes. They taught me how to steal the most weapons in the shortest amount of time."

"Ok, well, next time, just steal their weapons." Amber instructed.


Hiccup watched as the adolescent dragon bounded off to Thor knows where, and he laughed a bit.

"That dragon's a bit..." he trailed off, not sure how to say it.

"Overly happy?" Astrid asked. "About stealing weapons."


"Maybe he's secretly plotting our demise and is allied with Johann." Tuff suggested.

Amber shot him a burning glare. "You better not mean that."

"I didn't." he said quickly, seeing her murderous expression.

"Good." her burning glare changed to a sweet smile in less than a second. She turned back to the kitchen, where something burning could be smelt.

"What's going on in there?" Fishlegs asked.

"I'm making chocolate cake." she said, running into the kitchen. "Oh, crap. I set the temperature too high." she brought out a charred, black lump that kind of smells like chocolate. "Ta da...........yay.......?"

"Wow, you're even worse than Astrid!" Snotlout commented.

Astrid shot up, her axe in hand. "You wanna repeat that sentence?"


"Good, that means you value your life." Amber said, cutting the burnt part off her cake. She popped a piece of un-burnt cake in her mouth. "Wow, this is actually good if you get the burnt stuff off."

"Can we have some?" Ruff asked.

"Sure. Just rip a chunk off. I'll see if I can make more that is not burnt."

"Can we help?" Hiccup asked.

"Sure, just don't make my kitchen more of a mess."

"More of a mess?" Fishlegs questioned.

Instead of responding, Amber showed them the kitchen, which had burn marks all over the walls. There was an open fissure where a few broken wires hung out, occasionally sparking up randomly.

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