Dragon Riders meet the Fellowship and line of Durin

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Normal POV:

The Dragon Riders found Amber talking to some people in the living room while she set the TV up to show a red logo that said Netflix.

"What is she doing?" Snotlout asked. "Why do those people have so many weapons? Are they going to kill us?"

"Why are some of them so short?" Tuff asked.

"Oh my god, you can't just ask people why they're short." Ruff exclaimed.

"Oh hey guys!" Amber walked over. "We're going to be watching some more RTTE today. Along with some Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. Maybe all of them."

"What's lord of the rings?" Hiccup asked.


"It's about our quest to defeat Sauron." Frodo said quietly.

"Yes it is."

"Who's Sauron?" Astrid asked. "Sounds like an evil person trying to take over the world."

"He is an evil person who is trying to take over the world." Amber said. "Now, let me do introductions. No killing each other please!"

She pointed to the "short people" that Tuff was talking about earlier.  "Guys, these people are the Line of Durin.  Line of Durin, these are the Dragon Riders. Kili, don't shoot arrows at the dragons."


"We don't kill dragons here." Amber said, ignoring the look of confusion on the Durins' faces.

"Why are you so short?" Tuff blurted out, despite Ruff saying no over and over.

"What?" one of them asked.  "Did he just offer us insult?" Fili and Kili pointed their weapons at the Riders, making them jump and Amber laugh.

"No, he's........let me make you guys understand each other." Amber then gave everyone (more like forced everyone) to drink a blue potion.  (Reference to HTTYD watches RTTE). "Ok, now let me start over.  He did not offer you insult, Thorin, he asked why you're....oh wait never mind what I said." she trailed off, realizing that it was probably insulting.

"What did he say?" Thorin asked.

"He asked why you're short." Amber said plainly, not caring whether she will get run through by a sword or not.

"What?" Kili protested. "We're not short!  I'm 4"10!!" (They really are that short, I did research)

"I beg to differ....." Amber coughed.

"Hi, I'm Tuff, sorry about asking why you're short." Tuff said, sticking out his hand for the others to shake.

"What is he doing?" Ruff whispered to Amber.

"He's being Tuff, which will probably get him killed." she said.  "Ok, let's move on and get acquainted later."

"This is the Fellowship." Amber said, gesturing to nine people.

"Nice to meet you." Hiccup said. "I'm Hiccup and these are my friends."

"Wait, you're the Dragon Riders?" Pippin asked.

"Wait they know about us?" Fishlegs asked.

"He's short too!!" Tuff exclaimed, making everyone facepalm.

"I may or may not have told them about you guys. And, Tuffnut, he's a hobbit. Hobbits are naturally shorter than humans." Amber said, her body behind the TV.  "Damn it, this wire is almost dead.  Wait no, never mind it's not."

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