Training: the twins should never have been given hybrid powers

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Normal POV:

"Are you two gonna stop fighting?" Astrid asked.

"Not until he lets me train with Amber first." Ruff said, pushing her brother.

"She said you could BOTH train with her at the same time." Hiccup pointed out.

"Yes, I knew that." Tuff said and stopped shoving Ruff around.

"Right." Snotlout rolled his eyes.  "I went easy on her, seeing as she sparred with me for the first time."

"More like she went easy on you." Fishlegs commented, creating a lava ball and shaping it into a Gronkle shape.  "You were just trying to not die and she was trying really hard not to slice your head off."

"I did not try not to die!"

"Yes, because you didn't shout in pain when I stepped on your hand." Amber said.

"What're you eating?" Hiccup asked.

"Oh, it's smoked salmon............and shoot, I shouldn't have said that." she didn't finish due to a green Terror latching itself to her arm and eating up all the fish.  "Thank you so much, Yoshi.  I totally did not need to eat that because I totally did not miss breakfast or anything......"

"Yeah, guys this is my Terrible Terror, Yoshi." she petted his head.  "He loves to eat my fish."  The dragon flew away after blowing fire into Snotlout's face.  He coughed out some smoke.

"Yeah, cool.  So are we gonna spar or what?" Ruff asked impatiently.

"Yes, we are." she said.  "Snotlout, get me my Butterbeer."

"What on earth is a Butterbeer?" he asked.

"It's only the best thing that you'll ever taste in your life." she said.  "Go ask Leo, he should know, as he's been stealing all my food.  Or maybe ask one of the Durin brothers.  I don't know where my food ends up disappearing to, but you should ask them about the Butterbeer, them, or Nyki."

"Ok.....?" Snotlout questioned.  "Why do I have to get the drink?  Why not Hiccup? Who's Leo, Nyki and who are the Durin brothers?"

"Oh, are they the two princes who died?" Ruff asked a little too enthusiastically.

"Yes." Amber said coldly.  "Please don't bring that up."

"And you have to get the food because you lost the sparring match." Astrid said.

"Shut up Astrid." 

Snotlout left to go find Butterbeer, which was hidden in a safe that was near impossible to open, but Amber didn't tell him that.  He found the safe no problem, but was now trying to figure out how to open it.  In the training room, Amber, Ruff and Tuff got ready to spar.  The twins had their spears ready and each had knives sheathed at their belts.  Amber had no weapons, at least none visible.

"Same rules apply for you three?" Hiccup asked.

"Yes." Amber nodded.

"Yeah!!" the twins butted heads.

"And........begin!" Astrid shouted.

"Hey, we should flank her and Ruff should surround the training area with zippleback gas." Tuff thought in his mind.

"Good idea!" Ruff thought.

"Whoa, did we just hear each other's thought?!" Tuff thought.

"I'm thinking we did because I heard what you said." Ruff said in her mind.

"Good, now you know the plan."

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