Training: so the Riders can beat up Johann

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This chapter is hinting what might happen in future chapters, and is also a way for me to practice writing fighting scenes.

Normal POV:

"No, no, no.  Ruff, I want you to send the gas in the direction of the targets, not at Snotlout, even though there's hardly a difference between the two." Amber shouted from the raised platform she was on.  Ruff snickered at her words, but did what she was told.  "Tuff, stop trying to blind the others with the sparks."

"But, Amber....." he whined like a little kid.  "It's so fun!"

"Do that later, I don't want to be the only one to beat up Johann the next time we see him." she said before turning her attention to Hiccup and Astrid, who were sparring with each other.

"You two work well together." Amber said.  "Hiccup, I know you're left handed, but you need to be able to use your right hand as well." She corrected his posture and grip on a replica of Inferno.  "Hold it like this, and then imagine that the weapon is an extension from your arm."

"So like this?" Hiccup weakly swung the blade at a dummy with Johann's face painted on it.  The blade stuck in the dummy's torso.  "Why do all the dummies have Johann's face on it?"

"Well, I could change it to a different enemy's face." Amber offered, twirling a paintbrush.

"Yeah." Astrid called.  "That'd be great.  It's disturbing that we're cutting up Johann dummies.  He is only an innocent trader caught up in our nonsense."

"You know nothing of the world, if you really meant that." Amber said, turning on her iPad and loading up Netflix.

"What are you doing?" Fishlegs asked.  "I thought you were helping us with fighting techniques and controlling our hybrid powers."

"I am," she said and connected the iPad to the TV.  "Which is why I'm showing you Race to the Edge, season 5, episode 13."

After Amber shows the gang why Johann is a filthy, backstabbing, cunning and evil piece of **** and after they had a huge argument about it that resulted in an angry Hybrid Gang.

"I am only gonna say this once." Amber said, once everyone calmed down.  "Johann is a traitor and he was the piece of filth that caused you so many run-ins with the Hunters and Dagur in the past."

"I thought you only said that Azog was the piece of filth." Viggo's ghost said, walking out from the wall.

"OK, he is a piece of filth, but Johann is as well."

"Ok, we get it." Snotlout grumbled.  "Also, that show you showed us, Race to the Dragon's Edge, or something, showed the Girl Hookfang vs Titan Wing thingy and had all the details, so I believe you."

"Wow," Astrid said.  "I never thought that I'd hear Snotlout say he believes someone...even if that someone is a weapons-obsessed, crazy, hybrid telekinetic girl who can resurrect dead people."

"I'll take that as a compliment." Amber said.  "Now, back to training."

Astrid practically took off at the dummies, taking out her axe and slicing the heads and arms off of every dummy in her training section while Hiccup and the others just stared at her in confusion and shock.  They jumped when Astrid shot a stream of magnesium flame and completely obliterated the dummies.

"What?" she asked, not even out of breath.

"Damn..." Tuff whistled when he saw the charred and half-destroyed dummies.

"Oh, that?" she asked.  "I guess I got too enthusiastic at taking out Johann-dummies now that I know he's a traitor."

"Right." Ruff deadpanned and turned away to surround some dummies with a cloud of Zippleback gas while her brother sparked it.

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