Johann is apparently a skilled thief

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So something happens in this chapter, which in my opinion, is really bad.  Not like why did you do this its horrible and you're gonna pay for it kind of bad, or maybe it sort of is.  But it's more of seriously, I can't deal with this right now kind of bad.

Also, it's another part of the chapter with the traitor's POV because it's important to the plot line.

And Amber Rivers is her full name, BTW.  

The name came to me in a dream where Regina from Once Upon a Time locked Amber in a closet and called her "Ms. Rivers".  My dreams are so weird, idk anymore...but if it helps me come up with names for my OC, then I'm cool with it.

anyways, onto the chapter!

bold =  my thoughts on trade----traitor Johann


Johann's POV:

Another item to add to the list Why Amber Rivers must be dealt with, which is the fact that I lost a bet to her and now I have no more money.

So far, the list consists of:

- she took my throwing knives

-her wingless dragons like to play Fetch the Traitor

-I am not a traitor (<-----LIES)

-she made macarons successfully and now I have no more money

-she wouldn't tell me how to become a hybrid

-she locked me in the freezers in this ice cream place, Dairy Queen

-she froze me in Bewilderbeast ice

-she shot arrows at my legs and arms

-she killed me and resurrected me, which is not a fun experience

-she won't tell me where to find Light Furies.  (it's not like I'll sell them to Drago or anything...)

So that's the list so far, and I think that there will be more to add to it soon.

I'm currently hiding in the attic, which has the weirdest things in it, like a box labelled Dragon Eye Lenses, boxes labelled Stuff I took from CHB, stuff from TH/LOTR andRaptor Squad necessities and random discarded weapons.  There were also random mannequins with different suits of armor on them.  One was blue, and had a matching helmet in the shape of a Nadder head, an orange one with a large cape, and matching green ones, though one was more feminine than the other.  

(basically, Astrid's Snotlout's and the twins' armor from HTTYD 3.  Even though I haven't watched the movie yet, I've seen their armor in promo pics and wanted to include them)

Wait, the box that was labelled Dragon Eye Lenses.  Could it be the key to yours truly being the richest man on earth?

I grabbed the box, taking care to not make any sounds, and opened it.  I peered inside and found a single lens.  It was a basic Dragon Eye Lens, though the metal frame was a dark color and the glass in the middle was a pale, red color.  Wow, disappointing, it's probably broken beyond repair.  Might as well take it and see if I can find the dragon eye around this place.

I rummaged around in the box that had the letters CHB written on it, and found a hat, a necklace of clay beads and a regular bow and arrow set.  Thank god the arrows weren't the weird, barbed and probably poisoned ones that Amber uses.

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