Duel between Hybrids and an unexpected guest(s)

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Normal POV:

Nyki was showing the twins some spells with her wand.  

"Ok, now watch this!  Aguamenti!!!" Nyki chanted and a jet of water shot out and hit Tuff in the face.

"That's so cool!" Tuff shouted, ignoring the water dripping down his face.  "Hey, Amber.  Can we get cool magic sticks as well?"

"No." Amber said immediately.  "Who knows what you and Ruff will do if you had wands."

"We could use that cool fire spell that magic girl used on Snotlout." Tuff exclaimed.

"Oh, Thor, no!" Snotlout shouted.

"We won't do anything bad." Ruff tried to reason.  "Maybe use the fire spell and the water spell.  But that's it, I promise."

"No." Amber said.


"NO." she raised her voice.  "Besides, Nyki and I have to duel now."

"Cool!  Will you be using a magic stick as well?" Fishlegs asked, forgetting that it's called a wand.


Nyki appeared and she had her wand out along with a thornblade sheathed at her hip.

"I'm ready!" she exclaimed.  "You Riders can be the judges on this."

Hiccup nodded and motioned for the Riders to follow him and sit on some bleachers at the side of the training room.

"You can start in three, two---" Snotlout began and was cut off by Amber nocking an arrow and shooting it at Nyki.  It happened so fast the Riders didn't have time to register what happened.  Nyki saw it coming, because she had seen Amber pause for a split second to aim.

"Arresto Momentum!!!" she shouted and the arrow stopped flying and hovered in mid air, stopping an inch away from her shoulder.  The Riders gaped at her fast reflexes.  Ruff and Tuff found their pom-poms and started cheering again.  "Depulso!"  The arrow flew in Amber's direction.  She snatched it out of mid air and tucked it back in her quiver.  Astrid's jaw fell open.  "Carpe Retractum!!" Nyki chanted and some invisible force pulled Amber's bow away from her.  It clattered to the ground several feet away from her.

"Aww, I was hoping you wouldn't use that one." Amber said, annoyance evident on her face.  She didn't bother to take her quiver off, and instead took out her wand.  "Diminuendo!"  Nyki's thornblade shrunk to the size suitable for a doll.

"That was my favorite!" she complained.  "Expelliarm---"

A portal appeared between the dueling girls, causing Nyki to stop casting her spell.  The Riders all came down to see what was going on.

"That wasn't there before." Snotlout remarked.

"Oh, thank you so much for telling me!" Amber said sarcastically.  "And here I thought I was the only one who could see the portal!"

"Amber, enough with the sarcasm." Astrid said.  "What's that?"

"Well, my dear Astrid," Ruff began.

"It appears to be a portal." Tuff concluded.  "A swirling, purple and blue portal."

"You don't say?" Hiccup said dryly.

"Ahhh!!! There's something coming out of it!" Fishlegs shouted.

A pale figure emerged from the portal.  Amber's pupils turned into dragon-like slits and she growled under her breath.  Nyki readied her wand.  "Not him, anyone but him, please.  Don't let it be him." she muttered.

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