Playing Hide and go Kill, minus the killing

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Johann's POV:

I absolutely do not get why Amber hates me so much.

(The whole HTTYD fanbase: seriously? this traitor is asking that?)

I wanted to know a bit more about the hybrids, and then she sets these weird wingless dragons after me. Telling them to go play fetch the traitor. Traitor? I'm no traitor. I'm a trader. Their names are so weird as well. Who names wingless dragons Blue, Delta, Charlie and Echo?

(traitor, trader, what's the difference, and don't offend the Raptor Squad)

I am currently hiding in a stone box that seems suspiciously like a coffin.

Why would Amber have coffins in her house?

Normal POV:

"Guys? Let's play hide and go seek." Amber said as they all relaxed on the couches. "That's something I played with you when you came to watch RTTE with me."

"Is it normal hide and seek or is there a catch?" Snotlout asked.

"Well, if you find someone/if they find you, you duel and the loser sits out and the winner keeps looking. So a hider can end up being a seeker if they're found and if they win." Amber explained.

"There was a catch." Tuff mumbled.

"Obviously, the ideal thing is to not be found at all." she said, ignoring Tuff's statement. "That's how you win the game properly. But if you're found and you win all the duels, then you win as well."

"Ok I'll give it a try." Astrid said.

"I second that!" Ruff called. "I can use the changewing cloaks that--"

"Oh, and you can't get anyone else to help you or anything like that." Amber added. "And you can use changewing cloaks and use whatever hybrid powers you guys have."

"What does that mean?" Fishlegs asked. "Why do the twins have changewing cloaks?"

"You can't for example, run into the dinosaur's room and try to distract the seeker by causing a stampede of raptors. And the twins have changewing cloaks because I gave it to them."

"Why would anyone do that?" Hiccup asked.

"Why would anyone do what?" Johann asked, entering the room covered in dust.

"Johann!" Amber smiled. No one could tell if it was fake or genuine. "Good timing. Let's play hide-and-if-you're-found-you duel-with-the-other-person-and-you-try-to-beat-everyone-to-win."

"Ms. Amber, I don't think----"

"Good then it's settled then." Amber said cheerfully. "Snotlout, you be the seeker first. Count to 120. Do you need me to set a timer?"

"No, it's ok."

"Good. We start now." and with that, Amber disappeared into thin air.

"Where did she go?" Johann asked nervously.

"I didn't go anywhere." Amber said from the ceiling, though no one could see her. "Just hide already."

Everyone hid, except Johann, who stood there like he was about to ask a question.

"Where is everybody?" he mumbled. He walked away and hid in a large cardboard box.

Snotlout's POV:

Guess I'm supposed count for two minutes. Why would anyone do that? I should've asked Amber for a timer or whatever that was.

Two minutes pass slower when you're counting by yourself. Not to mention, it's extremely boring.

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