Meeting the Hybrids

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This is the (sort of) Christmas special featuring the OCs of EchoTheHybrid and ImUnBEARable. I'm using these OCs first because I already wrote about them before. There will be appearances of some PJO, The Hobbit and LOTR characters because I like those characters from those books/movies.

Feb 6 2022 update: I know teleportation isn't a light fury ability, but this was written before Hidden World came out and at the time, I thought the light fury teleported when she created the plasma blast

Normal POV:

After thirty minutes of failing to teach the Vikings about the difference between coffee and latte, Amber left to go "blow off steam by hunting down the brothers and Leo who is dead because they took her weapons and food".

"I feel bad for whoever those people are." Astrid said.

"Yeah, we all saw what she did to Johann." Hiccup said. "Also, why would she do that? Johann is harmless."

"YOU KNOW NOTHING OF THE WORLD, HADDOCK!!!!!" Amber shouted while running past them, chasing two people. "I NEED MY KNIFE BACK!!!"

"Didn't Uncle say that to us?" the blond asked.

"Yes." Amber answered while trying to cut them off. "It was funny, now give me my machete back!!"


"Ok, so let's all remember to not take her food or weapons." Fishlegs said. Everyone looked pointedly at Snotlout and the twins.

"Why are they looking at us?" Tuff whispered to his sister.

"Beats me." Ruff said. "I mean, aside from the thinly sliced crispy potatoes and the weird looking thing called Coffee Crisp that we took, we didn't do anything else."

"Then you two are as good as dead." a new voice said.

It was a girl with long black hair and green eyes that looked like a mix of dragon and human. Night Fury ears, wings and tail grew from her head and back. Her hair was in a long braid over her left shoulder and she had on black clothing and armor. A satchel hung from her shoulders and she had daggers sheathed on her belt. There was a black jewel on a chain that hung from her neck which radiated a soft glow.

  There was a black jewel on a chain that hung from her neck which radiated a soft glow

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(This is Echo with her Fireworm, Ember.)

"Echo!!" Amber had momentarily forgotten about the missing weapons and food. "I thought you were only coming when everyone else arrived."

"I needed to see the Johann ice sculpture that you told me about in the Terror mail."

"Ah, yes. I left him in the freezer at Dairy Queen again." Amber then took out a bunch of throwing knives. "I stole his knives again."

"You know, you're going to cause the end of the world someday." Echo said.

"Who are you?" Tuff asked.

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