Chapter 2 • 1991

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I knelt down next to Aleasha and held her hand as I tried to comfort her. We'd been playing tag when all of a sudden one of the big kids ran into her and sent her flying to the floor and now her knee was bleeding and her arm was stuck out at an awkward angle. It made me feel ill to look at but I had to be strong for her because she was bawling her eyes out. I followed her inside as the teachers helped her along but they said she had to go home and sent me back outside, leaving me all alone.

A week later though, she was back in school with a bright pink cast and a huge grin on her face. Once everyone had signed her cast with their sloppy 6-year-old handwriting she came up to me and started blabbering away in her cute Welsh accent. I couldn't get a word in edge ways, something I was dying to do because with the arrival of my baby sister Carrie I wasn't getting a look in at home either. But she was happy and I was glad she was back so I didn't moan.

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