Chapter 37 • 2009

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Another year and a half later and it was Dani's eighth birthday. We sat around the table singing her happy birthday with her Hannah Montana cake in front of her. She was obsessed with that show and was always singing it and her room was covered in posters. We were all trying to make her birthdays the best we could now that Lily was gone, especially because Lily died just a month after her sixth birthday. We wanted to make every single birthday she had special so she at least bad something to look forward to at this time of year. Lochlan would have no memories of Lily - just photos and videos we kept. Cody was still heartbroken and hadn't found anyone else but he said he would be happy to have a new relationship sometime in the future. But at the moment it was just him and the kids. He'd moved to London so that it was easier to get support - that's where me, mum and dad all lived - and although it was hard for him to leave the house he'd shared with Lily for ten years, he decided that it might be good to move on. They moved earlier this year but we all travelled back to Wales for Dani's birthday so we could see all the family. The family I hadn't seen since Lily died.

Danny was busy so Tom came with me to Wales and when we went to the theme park for Dani's party we had so much fun. It was just Cody, Dani, Lochlan, Dani's friend, Tom and me that went so Cody went round mostly with Danny and her friend while me and Tom mostly stayed with Lochlan. Generally we all stayed together anyway but when we had to split for rides that's who we generally went with. When Dani wanted to go on the big roller coasters and Lochlan couldn't we decided to take him to the soft play area. In the ball pool there was a small gap to get through to the area with bouncy yoga ball things so Tom went through first and took Lochlan. He was skinny and got through with no problem but, being a girl, I obviously had extra to get through.

"Tom, I'm stuck." I said with a laugh. He turned around and looked at me before bursting out laughing. Lochlan looked up at him and smiled at Tom's face which was screwed up with laughter.

"Seriously Tom, I'm stuck! Help me through!" I said, trying not to laugh but not succeeding. He sat Lochlan on the floor then took my hand and pulled. One leg and arm were through, though, and the others weren't, so the sight was so comical we kept laughing and couldn't stop to pull me through. We did though and rolled about on the floor laughing, while Lochlan stared at us in amusement.

"Let's not go through any more small gaps." Tom said, wiping a tear from his eye.

"Agreed." I said through my laughter. We stood up and let Lochlan play for a bit before we moved on.

When we came out we saw Dani, Hollie (her friend) and Cody sitting round a table eating. Well, Dani and Hollie were, Cody was just sitting there with them looking hungry while they tucked in to their lunch. He looked up when we came over and took Lochlan from Tom.

"We probably ought to get going in a bit." He said, bouncing Lochlan up and down on his knee and trying to stop him from nicking Dani's chips. We ordered some ourselves to share before leaving. We stopped off in the gift shop before we left and let Dani and Hollie choose a couple of things each. On the way back me and Tom were talking.

"I had loads of fun today, Tom." I said with a smile.

"Me too, Lolly." He said back. Startled, I looked round at him. He looked into my eyes and asked what was wrong. I snapped myself out of it and turned back to the road before replying.

"Nothing you just - you haven't called me that since primary school." I said. That was his nickname for me when we were younger. But I didn't mind that. It was when I looked into his eyes I felt different. I wasn't sure what but I suddenly felt safe and comfortable. Since Tom told me he loved me I'd felt slightly different but I'd always pushed it aside. It was only little things - noticing the way he smiled when he was playing with his cats, how he sang with such passion, how he concentrated so hard when he was playing the guitar. Even how excited he got when we decided to make cookies. I never thought anything of it - just because he loved me nothing had to change. But then again - weren't those little things love? Little things you noticed more than you normally would, or how they made you feel different to normal. That was love wasn't it? But I loved Danny. So much. So how could I love Tom at the same time? I decided I suddenly didn't want to be in Wales with Tom anymore. I wanted to be at home in London, with Danny where I could forget about everything. When we arrived back at our grandparent's house I said we were going to take off.

"Oh, I thought you were staying for dinner?" Cody asked.

"Well it's getting dark already and we don't want to be too late getting back. After all, Tom's off on tour soon and I've got things I need to do." I rambled. I gave everyone a hug and wished Dani a final happy birthday before leaving, Tom following behind looking slightly confused.

"What was all that about?" He said as he plugged in his seat belt and we pulled away, waving goodbye to everyone.

"What?" I asked, acting as if nothing were wrong.

"That! You left in such a rush, what's wrong?" He asked again.

"Nothing! Like I said, you're off on tour soon and I've got things to do." I said. I put the radio on and we drove in silence for the whole journey.

By the time we got back it was nearly midnight so I sent Megz a quick text just saying we were back and I'd see her tomorrow. She replied and sent an attachment with it. I opened it up and there was a picture of her next to Harry, holding up her hand - which had a ring on one finger! I replied with "OMG, congratulations!! Tell me allllll about it tomorrow! xx" I was so happy for her and Harry! I couldn't believe two of mine and Tom's best friends were getting married. I hoped someday it would be me and Tom. No - Danny! I hoped it would be me and Danny...not Tom. I don't know why on earth I thought that. Just because Tom said I could stay at his house that night instead of going home to an empty apartment did not mean I wanted to marry him. I loved Danny and wanted to marry him. I slapped myself on the hand as I thought this.

"What was that for?" Tom said with a chuckle. I felt my insides twist at his laugh. This time I mentally slapped myself.

"Oh, nothing, don't worry. Hey, have you heard about Harry and Megz!?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Yeah, Harry told me before we left that he was gonna propose. I'm so happy for them, aren't you?"

"Yes! I can't believe they're getting married! It seems like just yesterday they were being all shy around each other." I said, remembering how they'd been when they first met. It was so obvious they both liked each other yet it was two months before they actually told each other and got together. Now they were getting married! I was so excited for them.

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