Chapter 15 • 2004

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I barely knew what was going on the whole time. It felt as my mind was frozen and I couldn't concentrate. All of my memories of my childhood had disappeared momentarily and I wasn't sure what had happened, everything was blurry and I could barely see the girl who was walking ahead I me. I think it was Diana, but there was someone on her back - Danny I think - and everything else was a blur. All I wanted to do was sleep but Diana was pulling me forward and kept muttering to herself as she held back tears 'must stay awake, can't, fall, asleep' so I knew I had to do the same. I hobbled along and concentrated on nothing other than moving my feet and following Diana and Danny. He was asleep and I was jealous - why couldn't I sleep? There was an ache in my heart and although I wasn't sure I think it was because of Danny. I wasn't sure what had happened but something was wrong and my heart was telling me that. That was my main motivation to keep walking. If something was wrong with Danny then I wasn't going to let him die just because I was too selfish to sleep rather than walk.

We'd been walking for what felt like a century but when I turned around I saw we'd only just passed Diana and Tom's house. That wasn't far at all. I turned back round and it felt like everything was in slow motion and I could feel my heart beating slowly. It was like in those movies, where the person is looking around and it's all slow motion and all you can hear is their heartbeat before it goes black. In fact, that's exactly what it was like. Everything went black...

I could hear Diana's voice ringing in my ears but I couldn't see her or reach out for her. It felt as if she was shaking my shoulders but I didn't respond. It all seemed some horrible nightmare and I wanted to wake up. Before I'd wanted to sleep but if it was like this, a terrible dream that was real, I wanted to stay awake. I put all my concentration into opening my eyes and moving, anything to tell Diana I was still there. I opened my eyes so I could just see and felt the rain drip onto my eyelids. In a blurry image I saw Diana's face and heard a distant echo say, "I'll be back. I promise." Then I felt a drop of water on my cheek, different to the rain, before Diana carried on walking, shoulders shaking as she cried, and the darkness took over me again.

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