Chapter 4 • 1996

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My first day was far from the breeze that Aleasha's had been. When I got to school I was filled with excitement - it was my first day at a theatre school and I was finally doing what I wanted, plus it made me feel mature that I came here on my own. Well, fine, my nan took me on the train but I forbade her to come any further. I wasn't going to turn up to school on the first day with my nan walking me right up to the gates. But so far things were looking good...

...until I walked into assembly. Everyone was wearing crisp new uniform and shiny shoes, knowing exactly what they had to do. I walked in wearing my second-hand blazer that was far too big and the scuffed shoes that I'd already had for two years. We couldn't really afford anything other than new trousers, shirts and the school jumper. To top it all off, I just walked in and sat in any old seat, not really thinking for one minute that at a school like this that there would be any sort of seating plan. Thirty seconds later I was fully aware of the fact that someone big was standing right in front of me.

"Um, can I help you?" I asked nervously.

"That's my seat." He replied simply.

"E-excuse me?"

"You're in my seat." And with that he picked me up by the collar and pushed me to the floor before kicking me and sitting down. I picked up my bag and rushed off, red in the face and staring at the ground. Typical of me, I ran into someone else then. Please don't be a big kid...woah, I thought to myself as I stood up and looked at the person I bumped into. She was beautiful.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm Tom..." I stuttered.

"Whatever Tim. Get out the way loser." She spat before muttering a really bad word under her breath and walking off. Nice.

It's safe to say I didn't make any friends on my first day there so when I got back home I was desperate to meet up with Aleasha, just to see a friendly face. But when I texted her I was met with a short reply:

'Sorry, just met up with a friend so too late. Bye'

I replied back saying was she free tomorrow but then got back with a message to say she was meeting up with Diana again. Really? We'd only been at different schools for one day and I was already being replaced. Nice to know where I stood after 7 years of friendship.

The next day I decided I would give it a go. I mean, Aleasha was always the quieter of us two, so if she could make friends then why couldn't I? I took the plunge and started up a conversation with the boy next to me during drama class. We spoke for about ten minutes and things were actually going well. We hung out at lunch as well and I told him where I lived and we met up after school as well. I was surprised at how easy it was.

A few days later me and Aleasha finally got round to meeting up. I was looking forward to seeing her again and was a bit disappointed when she said she would bring Diana. I'm sure she was very nice, but Aleasha had seen her every day for a week and hadn't seen me since - could she not leave Diana's side for just one day to see me? But as soon as she walked through the park all my thoughts were changed. I thought the girl I ran into in assembly the other day was pretty, but if she was then I don't know what Diana was. She was gorgeous. Aleasha waved at me and Diana looked up, catching my eye. I saw her slow down walking a bit and her cheeks blush and I got butterflies in my stomach. I hadn't even said hello and already I was falling in love with her.

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