Chapter 11 • 2004

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I saw Aleasha walk into our recording studio and smiled as I sang. I broke up with my girlfriend a week after Aleasha confessed her feelings. When she told me I started noticing the little things about her - the way she smiled when her favourite song came on the radio, how her hair bobbed up and down a bit when she walked, how her skirts floated above her knees and complimented her curves and figure. Then I realised, I didn't love my girlfriend. I loved Aleasha. I phoned her up the moment I dumped Kate, my girlfriend, and told her everything. Next thing I knew I was standing on her doorstep making out with her in the rain. Cheesy, I know, but perfect. We finished the song we were recording and let the girls into the practice room. Diana was here obviously and Megz, our drummer Harry's girlfriend, was here along with Ruby, Dougie's best friend. Dougie was the bass player of our band McFly. We were recording our album now, due to come out in July. We were so excited and each time we were recording we would invite the girls along at some point so they would take the journey with us.

Once we were done recording we all went off to 'Frankie and Benny's' for dinner. When we arrived the waiter serving us definitely caught Dougie's eye, I noticed. She had brown hair and hazel eyes and a very fit figure and I had to laugh at how Dougie gawped at her. He was basically drooling when she bent over to place his plate down in front of him. She was young and - yep, definitely flirting with Dougie. When she brought our desserts she bent really low in front of Dougie and slipped him a piece of paper, which I caught a glimpse of as Dougie read it and had her number on. Ruby laughed too, she obviously didn't mind because she and Dougie were only best friends. At the end of the meal everyone took off but before I left I saw Dougie lingering back before going back to talk to the waitress. I chuckled before driving Aleasha back to my flat.

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