Chapter 9 • 2001

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Now it was August and I had not long turned sixteen. It was Diana's birthday the next day and I had planned a night out for her. She was going to be seventeen, but the age difference didn't and never had bothered us. I was really excited. Things had been getting a lot more serious between us recently and I was starting to think that tomorrow could be it. I was nervous, but at the same time really excited. From about the age of fourteen, when we'd been going out for a bit, I'd begun to think that Diana would be 'my first time'. We both loved each other and had never had any problems and trusted each other more than anyone else in the world. That's why I had it all planned out so that things would go perfectly.

I picked her up from her house at about six o'clock and walked her back to mine. I'd made sure everyone was out the house so that nothing could mess up this evening. I sat her down in the living room and made her wait while I brought in the food. I'd cooked it before and just kept it warm while I went to pick her up so she wouldn't be waiting. I handed her a plate piled high with spaghetti bolognese, her favourite food, and sat down next to her as we ate away. When she'd finished I took her plate from her and placed it next to mine on the coffee table before picking up her present. She carefully unwrapped it and onto her lap fell a book. I'd heard her saying a couple of weeks ago about this new book that was out by her favourite author and how she'd love to get it but didn't have enough money. So I thought I'd treat her.

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much Tom!" She exclaimed, her eyes twinkling in the candlelight.

"Wait, open it." I said.

"What? I have opened it." She said with a laugh.

"No, open the book. Look inside it." She opened the cover and saw the surprise on the first page. A signed message from the author.

"Oh my god, how did you - when did - what - oh my god thank you so, so, so much!" She exclaimed before leaning in and kissing me. Things got going and her fingers found the bottom of my shirt. She stopped for a second before whispering, "Can I?" I didn't answer. Instead I replied by unbuttoning the silk shirt she was wearing then picking her up, wrapping her legs around my waist and carrying her up to my bedroom.

We stayed in bed for a while, just cuddling up to each other and snoozing a bit. After a couple of hours Diana dropped off to sleep and I heard something downstairs. My heart jumped - surely my parents couldn't be home already? I pulled on a pair of boxers and crept downstairs. I hoped more than anything it wouldn't be my parents because mine and Diana's tops were still on the living room floor with all the candles lit and the dinner plates. I heard someone rummaging round in the kitchen so I stuck my head round the door and saw my nine-year-old sister, Carrie, looking through all the cupboards.

"Carrie?" I asked confused. She whipped her head round and looked as confused as me.


"What are you doing here?"

"I live here...why are you so surprised?"

"For one thing you were meant to be having a sleepover with Katy tonight and for another I was meant to have the house to myself tonight!" I said as I walked in and started pushing her towards the door.

"Okay Tom, two things, one, I came here to get the blender so we can make milkshakes, so let me get it! And two, PUT SOME TROUSERS ON!" She yelled before breaking away from me and continuing to rummage around for the blender. Rats. I'd forgotten I was only wearing my boxers. To make matters worse, Diana came downstairs wearing nothing but one of my shirts, which was only just decent.

"Tom who's that!?" Carrie asked, seeming panicked that there was a basically naked girl in the house. I rolled my eyes before replying.

"That's Diana, the girl I've been going out with for two years and have told you about many times! Diana, this is Carrie, my little sister."

"Stop calling me your little sister!" She yelled at me, taking a break from jumping up and down to try and reach the blender to moan at me.

"Well you are my little sister! You're little and you're my sister so what else do you want me to call you?"

"I don't know, just your sister or, I know, here's an idea, CARRIE!" She yelled once more before resuming in her quest to get the blender.

"Oh, for goodness sake" I muttered before walking over and getting the blender down for her and shoving it into her arms. "There! Now please, and I can't stress this enough, leave us alone!" Then I pushed her out the door and watched her walk down the road in a strop before I slammed the door shut. I turned around and saw Diana standing there, a big grin on her face.

"Sorry about that..." I said, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"That's okay." She said as she placed her arms over my shoulder and kissed me. I kissed her back then asked if she wanted to go back to the bedroom.

"Again?" She said with a grin and a wink. She held my hand and dragged me behind her back into the bedroom.

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