Chapter 21 • 2005

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Later on I stood at the airport hoping to see Danny before anyone else. The terminal was full of fans, waiting for a glimpse or even a photo of their idols, McFly. I saw Danny turn a corner up ahead followed by the boys and seconds later every single girl there screamed. With my hands over my ears I ran towards Danny who picked me up and span me around in a hug. He placed me back down and I turned around to see security guards struggling to keep all the fans behind the bars and paparazzi snapping pictures of the boys from all angles. Danny, Tom, Harry and Dougie all waved at the fans and signed a few autographs as they passed then the security guards ushered us all off into the cars to take us home.

For the whole journey Danny talked non-stop about their time in Uganda, Tom very rarely getting any words in. He seemed really quiet and looked a bit pale but I just put it down to jet lag. Finally we were home and me and Danny went into the bedroom to make up for being apart for so long.

Not long later though he was off again. They were off to America to film a movie and I didn't know how long they would be. I said I'd come out sometime but I had work so I couldn't stay over there. It was so annoying that he was away so often at the moment. If it wasn't charity it was filming. If it wasn't filming it was touring. And if it wasn't touring then it was writing trips. I felt as if I never saw him anymore. But at least this time I could contact him as usual.

Months later the boys were back in England again...but then they were on tour. I spoke to Danny about it one evening - a bit of a mistake.

"Danny, I feel like you're always busy." I said as we washed up.

"Why do you say that?" He asked, handing me a plate to dry.

"I say it because in the past three-quarters of a year I've only seen you for a total of about a month!" I explain.

"Well it is my job Aleasha." He says.

"Yes I know but I sometimes feel like it's my job too. I'm always at home alone, never getting to see you and doing everything." I say trying not to get upset.

"Aleasha I'm sorry but you knew I was gonna be in a band. That's how we met. What did you expect? That I would stay at home all day every day whilst the others did all the work and then never go on tour?" I was starting to get annoyed now.

"Of course not Danny, but I didn't know that for 80% of our relationship we'd be seeing each other from behind computer screens!" I said raising my voice slightly.

"So what are you saying, that if you knew it would be like that then you wouldn't have gone out with me? You wouldn't have moved in with me? You wouldn't that've fallen in love with me?!" He yells.

"No!" I cry. I couldn't believe he would say that!

"Then what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that..." I start, but trail off not knowing what to say next.

"Are you saying that you want me to stop what I'm doing and spend more time with you? Because I that's what you want then fine!" He yelled before walking out the kitchen and shutting himself in his music room. I stood in the kitchen crying before I locked myself in my study.

Danny and I went to bed that night without talking to each other. I faced the window so I didn't have to face him and listened to the cars go by every now and then. It was a much quieter part of London so we didn't get much traffic. It made it much more peaceful. It was something I missed about living in Wales. It was such a peaceful country and we lived in a small neighbourhood where everyone knew everyone and we were all friendly. There were never any fights and if you were in trouble you only had to go next door to find help and comfort. As I thought back over it I started to think about what I'd given up. I lived in a busy city where there were thousands of people living and you barely saw your next door neighbour (I didn't even know the names of the other people living in our building) and I was dating a celebrity. Every time we went out we would get stopped at least once and now that social medias were developing I was starting to be stopped by people even when I went out alone. It was nothing like the life I lived in Wales. Living in a family home with my brother and parents where you could just hop on your bike and cycle to the village shop, where the old man there gave you discounts because you shopped there so much and he thought you were kind. I couldn't sleep so when I heard Danny snoring I crept down the hallway and shut myself in my study once again.

The next morning I got a text from Diana asking to meet her at 'Lizzie's', the cafe where we often had lunch together. I was glad of an excuse to get out the flat for a bit so after breakfast I put my coat on and was just about to leave when Danny came into the living room.

"Where are you going?" He asked, looking grumpy and annoyed.

"I'm going out to meet Diana. Problem?" I asked in a bitter sweet voice.

"Yes actually. I thought you wanted to spend more time with me - and now you're going out? I don't think that's very fair considering you moaned at me last night for doing just that too often." He said as he stood opposite me, arms folded.

"Well I am, like it or not. I don't particularly want to be around you at the moment. You know, because I ' wouldn't have fallen in love with you if I knew it would be like this'." I said, quoting the hurtful words Danny said last night before storming out the flat and down the stairs.

I entered the cafe and saw Diana sitting in a corner table. I waved at her as I entered and she smiled back but it didn't reach her eyes and I started to worry. She seemed really sad.

"What's up?" I asked as I sat opposite her and took off my coat. She looked up at me with sad eyes and I knew straight away she'd been crying. "Diana? What's happened? Are you okay?"

"Tom broke up with me." She said in a quiet voice before she began to cry. I stood up and walked round to sit next to her and she cried into my shoulder. I couldn't believe what I'd just heard.

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