Chapter 13 • 2004

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McFly had released two singles now and were really popular. It was no surprise really - they were practically already there because they'd had a record deal to start with. But with success came fans and they were normally great - they'd only had trouble one or two times. Today, though, fans weren't the problem.

Danny and I went out and couldn't have been more than ten minutes. It was Tom and Diana's anniversary - they'd been going out for five years now - and Diana had enlisted our help to make a special cake for her and Tom to share at their anniversary dinner tonight. It was in the oven when Diana realised she hadn't bought the chocolate to make the icing so Danny and I said we'd pop out to Tescos and get some for her. It was just down the road so we put on our jackets (it was raining outside) and shoes and ran there. We made our way straight to the chocolate aisle and I had to drag Danny away from drooling over the chocolate biscuits.

"Danny, that's not what we're here for! Come on, let's get the chocolate and go!" I moaned before he gave in and slumped after me.

"Look who it is." Someone said and we turned round to see a girl standing a few feet away from us. She was fairly tall and skinny, with shiny blonde hair and deep blue eyes. "Danny Jones"

"Kate?" Danny said, standing upright and putting his arm around my waist, pulling me closer.

"Who's this?" She asked, nodding her head towards me.

"This is Aleasha." Danny replied.

"Oh, that slut you dumped me for?" This really riled me.

"Hey, I am not a slut!" I spat, edging towards her.

"Oh right, I forgot that sluts generally sleep with every other guy they meet. I bet you two haven't even seen each other naked yet." She said laughing. Danny stepped forward and pushed me behind him, holding my hand in his.

"Shut up." He said quietly.

"Sorry what?" She said pretending not to hear. "I couldn't hear over the loudness of her ugly face."

"Shut up!" Danny yelled.

"Nope. I'm good thanks. In fact, I'd quite like to talk some more. Why don't you come back to my place and we could, you know, pick up from before?" Kate said smirking.

"That's it." Danny said before starting towards her, but I kept hold of him by the hand and stopped him.

"Danny! Didn't anyone ever tell you not to hit a girl?" She exclaimed acting shocked.

"Well lucky for you there's nothing about girls not hitting girls!" I exclaimed before lunging at her. My hand crashed onto her cheek and she stumbled backward slightly, her hand on her cheek.

"Danny, keep your donkey under control!" She said.

"That's it, take that back!" He yelled wrapping his arms around my waste from behind.

"No thanks. I think I'll give some back." She said before shoving Danny back - hard. He fell onto a mid-aisle display stand and it crashed down to the floor, him landing on top of it. I yelled something nasty at Kate before turning to see that Danny had his eyes closed. My heart did a backflip as I knelt down beside him and tried to wake him. Some people were gathering and I could hear some whispers and noticed a couple of points and I started to cry.

"Come on Danny! You need to wake up! We have to get out of here." I said, tears falling down my face. His eyes fluttered open and he squinted up at me. "Danny, we need to go! Come on!" He sat up and I put his arm over my shoulder and supported him by the waist. I took a glance around at the crowd that was by now quite large before walking out the other end of the aisle, trying not to fall under Danny's weight.

It was pouring down with rain when we got outside and quite slippery. It took all my strength to keep walking with Danny putting all his weight on me and my feet threatening to slip out from underneath me. At first all I could think of was that I was thankful it was a short walk to the house, but these thoughts changed to worry as Danny began to get heavier. All of a sudden he collapsed and brought me to the floor with him. His eyes closed again and when I put my head to his chest his breathing rate was slowing. My body went into panic mode and as I knelt next to him in the middle of the street, rain pouring down on us, all I could do was yell.

"Help! HELP!" I yelled as tears streamed down my face and my hands shook from underneath Danny's head.

•I won't be able to update as often because I go back to school tomorrow 😔 so I thought I would leave it on a cliffhanger for you ;) •

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