Chapter 26 • 2007

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We got back to England and I tried to focus on my relationship with Danny and not what had happened with Tom. I loved Danny not Tom. I'd never thought of Tom in that way before and nothing had or would change. I was going to spend the rest of my life with Danny, the one I loved. I decided it was about time I went back to visit my family in Wales and I took Danny with me. My parents lived just outside of London so Danny had already met them but the rest of my family - cousins, grandparents etc - all stayed in Wales. My nan was about to celebrate her 80th birthday so I thought what better time to visit than now? After a few days we packed our bags again and set off.

It was a long journey but we arrived on the Friday evening and my Nan's birthday was on the Saturday. We stayed in the local bed and breakfast and my parents stayed at my brother's house. They only had one spare room because they had two young children - my niece and nephew - so I said that Mum and Dad could stay there and Danny and I would take the B&B room. Besides, we could do what we wanted at the B&B if you catch my drift...

The next day we got up early (much to Danny's detest) and went round to my brother's house. Danielle was my niece and she was six and me and Diana always teased Danny about the fact that he had almost the same name as my six-year-old niece (it was a bit confusing because everyone called her Dani for short) and he always moaned at us but I think he was secretly looking forward to meeting her. He had some special way with children and they always loved him. Probably because he was like a child himself. Lochlan was only one and was the sweetest boy you'd ever meet. He always followed Dani round when she was playing mums and dads, pushing round her pushchairs and playing with her dolls. He'd just started to walk and was unbelievably mischievous. When I visited not that long ago he kept stealing all the cups from the cupboards and building towers and would often climb on top of Dani's mini dressing table. It was hilarious to watch.

When we got there we made our way down the side of the house to where Dani was playing with her Barbies but jumped up when I walked in. She hugged me then turned to Danny.

"Who's that?" She whispered to me whilst giggling at Danny.

"That's Danny." I said with a smile.

"No, I'm Dani!" She exclaimed.

"Well so am I! Nice to meet you, me." Danny said in his Bolton accent whilst holding his hand out to Dani who went into peals of laughter. God did I love that man. Whilst I was stood there watching Danny and Dani entertain each other I heard a gurgle come from behind. I turned round to see Lochlan waddling into the room. I walked over and picked him up, spinning him round to look at Danny.

"Da!" He said pointing at Danny, who walked towards us.

"It's Dan actually. Daniel Jones. And you are?" Danny said, grinning and tickling Lochlan's stomach. Lochlan grabbed hold of Danny's finger and held onto it tight, looking from his hand to his face with a puzzled look on his face as if Danny were an alien who'd just spoken gobbledygook. Danny made a silly face which sent Lochlan into fits of giggles, his eyes bright and cheeks rosy. I put Lochlan down and let him play with Dani then took Danny's hand and walked in to the kitchen where Cody and Lily were. I gave them both a big hug and talked to Lily while Danny and Cody talked. We were catching up and I asked her what's new she became all hushed and quiet.

"What's up?" I asked quietly. She took my hand and led me out the room.

"I think I'm pregnant." Lily whispered.

"Really? That's brilliant!" I exclaimed.

"Ssh! I haven't told Cody yet." she said hushing me.

"Why not?" I asked confused.

"Well I don't know yet. I haven't taken a test. But we said we didn't want any more children. Just Dani and Lochlan."

"But I'm sure Cody would still be happy! It's not like he's going to split with you just for that, my brother isn't like that. I would hope no man is." I replied, placing my hand on her arm.

"Okay. I'll take a test tomorrow then tell him. Now let's go and get something to drink!" Then she led me back into the kitchen where Danny and Cody were still talking.

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