Chapter 26: Alpha... Of Shapeshifters!?

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Callies pov:

Holy shit!

I'm an alpha of shapeshifters and the Luna of my pack!?

"Is she mute?"

"No maybe she's deaf"

"Blind?" Someone yelled but he received a slap on the back of his head.

"She can obviously see, you dummy!"

"Um hello..." I waved, "I'm not mute or deaf... or blind."

I breathed out, "I'm just... surprised, that's all... I didn't know he was the alpha, he's bad at keeping his identity as a shapeshifter."

"He lost his ability, he was the strongest of us... but some chick ruined it for him."

"Yeah as I was saying-"

"Wait are you the chick!?"

I opened my mouth and closed it.

I pierced my lips together and thought how on earth can I answer that?

"You are the chick!" A guy from the back yelled.

Everyone started yelling out incoherent words or just screamed.

"Okay calm down! Yes I am the chick! Thanks to the guy in the back for telling everyone... idiot," I mumbled the word idiot.

"Okay I get it, you're probably scared."

"Scared, psh no I'm not," same guy, that yelled out blind, yelled again.

His friend elbowed his stomach and told him to shut up.

"I seriously didn't know he was an alpha, but I guess I'm your alpha now and I have to tell you about myself."

"I'm Callie Marties, a werewolf," everyone gasped.

"I learned that I'm a werewolf a few days ago and it wasn't a pleasant thing to go through, it hurts a lot to crack every single one of your bones and watch them turn into a wolf... yeah it's really painful," I took a deep breath to continue.

"First time I learned of werewolf, my mate, alpha Xavier of the white crescent pack decided to shift... right in front of me, I was shocked to say the least but a couple of days before it, a lady with white hair told me life isn't going to be easy. I didn't know who she was but she knew who I was, she said she's the fairy and I laughed saying she's on drugs"

Everyone laughed

"Turns out she is the fairy and she is in control of everything, I asked her to help me and she gave me powers, four powers that helped me a lot."

"Show us," this guy really wants to get punched by his friend cause he doesn't know when to shut up.

His friend came to hit him but I stopped him.

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