Moving -1-

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Eliza's POV

"Alex, we have to move eventually. I'm pregnant and due in two weeks! We can't raise him in a shabby apartment, especially when we have the money!" I argue.

Alex and I have been together for about 5 years, due to my father, and we recently got pregnant for the second time. In my mind, he was planned- Alex didn't want to start a family until later, especially of two.

So I poked holes in the condoms with a sewing needle... both times.

I have never been happier to be throwing up everyday. Philip, our only child at the moment, was a mistake.

I can't tell Alex that I have a crush on my sister's girlfriend, so I thought maybe if I got pregnant again, I would feel obligated to Alex and our son, well sons.

It hasn't worked yet. Alex is sweet and all, but he is a bit much. Not my type. Philip only likes Alex.

After thinking, he begins to speak, "Liz, I love you-" I cringe a bit, "- but, I can't move from NYC to where-ever the hell you want to go."

I nod, "We can stay in New York, but maybe move a bit away. Like a city or two across?"

He sighs, defeated, "Fine, love. I will do it for you. You pick the house, yeah? I need to go to work."

I nod and clap my hands. He gives me a... kiss. Gross.

Philip speaks up, "I wanna move. My school sucks. Speaking of, let's go."

And they're out the door. This is the time I always text my sister, Peggy's, girlfriend.

Liz: Hey M :D

Maria: hey lizzie!

Liz: finally convinced alex to move. jesus christ hes a child

Maria: where to?

Liz: where do u live?

Maria: manhattan

Liz: cool! that's not too far. we're in brooklyn :)

Maria: move down with me and pegs! we can have some fun then ;)

Liz: im fairly convincing. i'll try <3

Maria: cant wait to see u again...

Liz: back at u :D

That might seem shitty, but I see the way Alex looks at guys. He's definitely at LEAST bi. I'm a lesbian and proud- with a husband.

Maria: can we skype??

Liz: alex and phil just left ;o

Maria: great. Pegs is at angies owo

Liz: i just bought some new lingerie! maybe i can do a little fashion show for u?

Maria: great. call me soon :D

Liz: will do.

I never got this flirtatious with her, but I'm excited. Like really excited! Maybe I have a chance...

Alex's POV

"She wants to move." I explain to my coworker, Aaron Burr, after dropping Philip off at school

He nods, "Where will you work? You know Jefferson won't hire you if you move."

"I know. I have no clue where to work! I have degrees in teaching, for when I wanted to teach after high school, and my law degree." Then it clicks.

"Law teacher? Or something like that?" Aaron suggests as he reads my mind- I swear.

I nod, "That would work... but teachers' have shitty salaries."

"Save up now, work extra for a week, and then you won't be shit poor. Savings."

"Damn, you can be pretty smart sometimes."

"I know." And with that, he walks back over to his desk. I follow suit to my desk and open my laptop.

I write for the business. It's a law kind of deal, and they need supporters online so if they fall, they can get help. I have to write stupid shit for people to like us. But the part I like most? Fighting with other companies and winning. We get their supporters and I get to roast people, can it get better? Nope! And I get paid hella well. About $500,000. Probably because I work extra time a lot. Over night, even.

Eliza's POV

I had my lacy, silky, light blue one-piece lingerie on, sitting on my bed, legs spread. I had my laptop a few feet away on my desk, so Maria sees the full thing. I see her face matching the red lipstick she wears. I bought it to surprise Alex, but he never gets home until late.

Maria smiles, "It's cute, Lizzie! I can't wait to see you again! I haven't seen ya since your wedding."

I blush, "Thanks, Maria." I whisper.

I hear the door rattle. Shit.

I get up and slam the laptop shut, hopefully ending the call.

I run back over and lay on the bed, blankets covering me.

Why am I hiding my body from my husband? I don't know.

"Liz? You here?" I see the door open, my husband's tie undone around his neck.

I smile, "Yep!"

"You're blushing- what's up?" He sat on the side of the bed while unbuttoning his work shirt.

"I- uh... nothing." I manage to mutter out.

He raises an eyebrow and nods.

It's sad, but relieving that he trusts me so much. I never liked lying, but he never pushed anything.

By now, he's shirtless and in his boxers.

"Alex, it's 10 PM. You're home early?"

"Yeah. Wanted to come home early to tell you that I probably won't be home much in the next week. I decided on, where ever we're going, to be a teacher. It would be easier. I already have the degrees, but they have bad pay. So, I will be working a bunch, since your dad stopped paying for your stuff. Is Philip home?"

He slides into bed next to me.

"Yeah, he's home, and okay, Alex. Can we move to Manhattan?"

"Yeah. I can apply for a teaching job up there."

I nod and close my eyes.

"What are you wearing? It's silky in a sexual way and I dunno what you're implying but I'm not in the m-"

I cut him off, "Oh, yeah. It's my lingerie. It's comfy- I wasn't trying to imply anything."

He nods and closes his eyes.

I wake up in an empty bed. Alex's at work. Philip should be at school.

Liz: hey maria

Maria: it's like 9 am and ur sis is home ;/

Liz: ah, i will text u later. tell pegs i love her and miss her

Maria: will do, darling <3

Liz: <3

I get up and remember my silky lingerie. Huh. I walk into the small kitchen and see a note next to some cold pancakes-

"Hey Lizzie. I know these will be cold by the time you're away, so just heat them up. I left for work at 5. I love you, baby. Text me if you need anything <3

I can call you on my break, if you're not busy. See you tonight, love."

He's sweet, I know. I toss the pancakes into the trash. I don't want to think about him getting up and making me pancakes at 4 am. I grab a box of cereal from the cabinet and pour it into a bowl. I add almond milk and live my life.

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