Gun Shots -18-

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a/n posting early bc i love the chap after this chap and i want u to enjoy it
(Wednesday-Thursday morning)

Pip's POV

I'm with my dad, waiting for John.

"How did you even find out?" Dad asks, breaking the tense silence.

"They were whispering, I asked what about. I promised not to tell anyone and then Thomas pulled out a revolver." I whisper.

"I sent the recording to Washington."

I nod, "Okay."

John walks over to us, "Thank you, Pip. God-"

"Don't just suddenly call me 'Pip' after ignoring me all fucking day." I mutter.

His face falls, "I-I'm sorry."

"Shut up. Thanks." I fire.

"Philip, what the fuck?" Dad asks, grabbing my shoulder.

"Your boyfriend has been ignoring me all day, first of all. Second, I might fucking die! I'm fucking terrified and stressed!" I fight back the tears that were welling up.

Dad pauses for a second, "One, not my boyfriend. Second, you're staying home tomorrow. It'll be fine-"

I interrupt, "Dad! Are you oblivious? They're after my best friend, my other best friend's dad, and my ex-favorite teacher! People I love- or loved. You'll probably also be on their fucking list."

He nods, "I know. But you're not going to school. Just stay safe."



John whispers, "I'm sorry, Philip. I shouldn't have took it on you- for something your dad did."

I nod, "We're good. I just... need to be alone."

Dad nods, "Let's get home."

John waves us a goodbye.

Right as we get in the car, I speak up, "What the hell did you do?"

"He... was being right. I was being stupid..." He lets out a sad 'hah,' "He's a better dad than I am, Pip."

"What? No!"

"Pip, he said that I shouldn't have help Georges get out of the school. He's right."

"No, dad. He was affecting my actions. He wasn't good for me, despite how much I love him." I admit. It's true. I was reckless.

He sighs, "But you need to learn somehow."

"I am. And you're guiding me. Also, what were you and John talking about when I came in?"

He goes red, "Nothing important."

"Oh, really..."

He sighs.

"Dad, you like him."

He nods.

"He probably likes you."

He shrugs, "Don't know. He basically friend-zoned me the other day."

"Ask him out." I state.

He laughs, "Nope."

So, I grab his phone.

"You can't do anything because you're driving." I yell, opening his phone. My birthday is his password.

Alex: hey, John. we should try... us.

"Now we wait, father."

"Fuck off, Pip." He laughs, shaking his head.

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