Condoms -5-

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(Sunday night- Monday)

Alex's POV

"Again, condoms in cupboard by the sink. See you boys later." I give them a quick wave as I open the door and leave.

"Was that Georges?" John asks while walking to his car, me behind him.

"Indeed." I say, a smirk on my face.

We get into the car and he asks me another question-

"Are they..."

"Dunno. Pip likes him a lot. I caught them making out."

"Damn." John mutters, pulling out of my driveway.

"Yeah. He's a good kid."

"They both seem to be. I can tell they have good intentions." John adds.

"I have a feeling when I get home the box of condoms will be open."

John laughs slightly, "Herc and Laf would be pissed."

"I warned them!" We both burst into laughter as we pull into the bar.

We both get in and see Laf and Herc making out at a booth with two shot glasses in front of them each.

"Can't tell if it's the alcohol or just them." John mutters.

I smile and walk up to the bartender.




"Shit! What the hell are you doing here! Couldn't stay away from me, eh?"

"Alex shut the fuck up. I did this as a side for a while. If Jefferson finds out, he's fire me on the spot."

I nod, "Safe with me, Burr. Just give me shots." I laugh and he returns it.

He quickly hands me two shots. "Where's Eli-"

"Gay for Maria." I say quickly, walking to the booth where John was trying to break the two guys session.

"John, I got you a shot." He sighs and sits next to me, done trying to pull Laf off of Herc.

He smiles as he downs it, and I follow suit.

Burr comes over quickly with two more rounds.

"Burr what the fuck."

"I want you to forget the entire awkward conversation we just had." He laughs and walk back behind the bar.

I shake my head. That damn guy.

John and I keep taking shots as we're handed them.

Drunk me is a fucking truth spilling dick.

John seems to find that funny as he asks me questions.

"Alex, what's your favorite person's name?" He slurs.


"Who is Philip?"

John? Forgetful drunk? Yes.

"My kid."

"You have a kid?"

"Yea!" I yell before gushing about my kid.

It was 9 PM.

"John, we need to stop drinking, school's tomorrow." I manage to get out.

"Sh, Alex..."

He leans in slowly, grabbing my hip. We were still sitting on a booth, so it was kind of weird.

I grab his neck, not processing anything. We kiss. It was kind of soft, but still drunken.

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