Living -40-

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t/w i know i said i wouldnt put any but please! if u have suicidal thoughts or are sensitive to them, *DO NOT READ WHERE I PUT ASTERISKS* it gets heavy and it made me sad.


Pip's POV

I see a therapist in 3 days. I'm fucking terrified. Dad says it's fine and it'll work out. But what if I'm sent to like an insane asylum or something? I still never told dad my thoughts before/during/after hospital times. Like now.


I want to die.
No one would care.
What's the point of living?

I nearly died a few times, would anyone care?
Will I be remembered by anyone besides my immediate relations?
What if I'm forgotten?
If so, what's the point of living? If no one will even know your name?
What is the point of living?
We're all gonna die at some point, so why not make it go a bit faster?
What happens after we die? I already contemplated that. Still not sure what to believe.
How quickly would Georges move on? I dunno if I'd want him to move on really fast and be happy, or slowly so I know he loves me...
Does he love me?
What's the point of living?


"Pip- Georges is here. Stay in the living room, for God's sake, please."

He's here? I thought we had a strict "No Georges in the house." rule?

I carefully sit up and crawl out of bed. I told my dad that I was fine, but honestly, every time I stand, a sharp pain hits my hip.

I walk to the door without breaking myself. I open it pretty quickly and stand at the frame.
My heart literally melts.

Georges has a small bouquet of daisies and forget-me-nots. My favorite flowers- God, he's so cute. His eyes lock with mine and a huge smile grows on both of our faces. Dad takes the thing of flowers as Georges walks over to me.
He carefully hugs me, barely touching me while I was clinging onto him.

He slowly wraps his arms around me tighter, careful not to hurt me.

"I love you." His quiet voice rings around in my head for a second. He's perfect. That's a lie- but he's pretty close!

He picks me up carefully. I let my legs wrap around his waist.

My face finds itself in the crook of his neck. "I love you, too."

"Guys, what the fuck?" Dad was laughing and sitting on the couch.

"Shut up, dad, we're having a moment." He whisper, hoping that he catches it.

He does shut up, though. I pull my face away from his neck.

I look him in the eyes, down to his lips. He's doing that stupid love-struck smile. It's lopsided but also really beautiful.
He leans in slowly, so I do the same.

His lips are heavenly.

He always has that vanilla EOS lip-balm on and it's calming.

He's mine.

And suddenly everything is okay.
I'm in his arms.
He's holding me.

Everything is okay, sometimes.

That is the point of living.

Because sometimes... everything is okay.

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