Mr. L -7-

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Pip's POV

"Pip, John left, you can come out now."

Nothing in his voice... anger, sadness, annoyance... almost happy.

If he hurt that guy, I will fucking hurt him.

John was too sweet, honestly.

"Okay, pops."

I open the stall door and see my dad standing outside of it, smiling.

"Yes, dad?"

"We're good. He kissed me."

I internally squeal.

"We're going out on Friday. Here's your phone."

He hands me the phone and it's turned off. I open it and the recording is still going. Good. I stop it and shoving into the pocket of my jeans.

"We should head to school." I suggest, pulling him out of the cafe. We walk to school in silence besides the recording I was listening to through my earbuds.


"John, I didn't mean it like that."

"Alex, please. I should just leave."

"John, I swear to God... I can't have another person leave me."




"My dad left, my mom died, Eliza left... Pip is the last thing I have, unless you stay... please..."

Is my dad crying?


"Alex... I'm so sorry... I don't want to sound this as a pity offer, but, can we try... us... again?"


"Friday, yeah?"

"That- sounds nice. Thanks, John. Don't feel obligated t-"


I hear weird mouth noises. They didn't kiss. They made-out.


"Alex, I like you."

"I like you, too, John. W- we should try..."


~End of Recording~

That was kinda cute and also disgusting.

We walk into dad's room as kids filed into it for homeroom. I had him since he was my dad and practically begged Mr. Washington.

I sit down on the unit ventilator against the wall, beside his desk.

He began roll, not bothering to say my name because I literally walked to school with him. Georges happened to be in my homeroom.

I casually walk over beside him and sit at the empty desk beside him.

"Hey, Georges."

"Hey, Philip. About-"

"Nope, not today, at school. Text me or maybe you can come over tonight?"

He nods with a light in his eyes, "Yeah, yeah..."

I get up, and since the desks are in groups, I manage to peck his forehead without anyone giving a second glace.

I see him blush as I walk back up to dad. I pull a chair up beside him.

"What're you working on today, pops?"

"Dunno. Probably a group project, with the option to work alone."

"Yeah, that sounds good. Is G-"

"Yeah, he's in your class. If you work with him, make sure it's at his house, if Laf and Herc are there. If not, ours."

"K, dad."

"Get your stuff, bell's gonna ring soon."

I nod and give him a pat on the back before sitting at my assigned homeroom seat.

I grab my stuff and head out the door to biology.

Mr. Laurens.

"Hey, Mr. L!" I say as I walk into class.

He smiles at me and basically eye-tells me to sit down.

I sit in the front, so I can talk to him.

"Hey class, welcome back. Hope ya had a good weekend because we are going to take notes! Yay!" He says sarcastically as everyone laughs a bit. He's a class favorite. "Take out your notebook. Highlighters will be needed today as well. We're going to talk about organelles and all that jazz. Anyone know anything about an organelle?" Hands shoot up, "Besides the mitochondria?" He adds, laughing.

Everyone giggles and hand are put down. Someone else has their hand up, though.


"The ribosomes make proteins!"

"Good..." He checks something off of a paper on his desk. Participation sheet? "Okay, anyone else? Remember, even wrong answers count as participation. I hate seeing your grades drop from something as simple as not raising your hand." He says, scanning the room. "Martha?"

"Isn't the Golgi apparatus a thing?"

"Yep!" He checks off his paper again. "Alright..."

And he begins the lecture. His class is fun and whenever he lectures, everyone listens. He often says jokes or shows us some things. He has a class snake, which is hella cool. On his desk is a turtle tank.

Eventually, the lecture is over and my page is full. We still have five minutes of class and everyone starts talking. I get up and lean my elbows on his desk.

"Hey, Mr. L. How's it going?"

"Philip what the hel-ck are you doing." He laughs softly, typing on his computer.

"I dunno. Don't feel like talking to immature 15 and 16 year olds." I shrug and he nods.

"That's fair. How was the first class?"

"Fun. Can I touch your turtle?" I cringe at how that sounds.

"Yeah." He uses his swivel chair (a/n thanks Thomas Jefferson <3) to slide over to the end of his desk. He pulls the lid of and hands me the turtle.

"He's cute."

"I know." He smiles and watches me hold the turtle, letting his walk around my hands.

After a minute or two, I give it back and wash my hands at one of the lab tables.

"Hey Philip, did your dad talk to you abo-"

"Yep. You're good?"

He smiles and nods.

"Alright, Mr. L. See ya later!" I say as the bell rings.

Honestly, school's good so far.

a/n if u didnt know, thomas jefferson invented swivel chairs, which is why i thank him at john's part

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