Final Goodbye -16-

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Alex's POV

I wake up, my back stiff. My eyes flutter open lazily. This isn't my bedroom.

I look straight up- oh. I feel warmth by my side.


I smile to myself, pulling Pip in closer to me. I watch his lips flicker into a small smile.

It's 6:42 AM. We have time.

"Hey, Pip... I know you're up. What do you want to eat?" I ask softly, my voice groggy.

"I don't care." He whispers, curling up farther into my side.

Fuck, I love him so much.

"Pip... five minutes. Then I want food."

He lets a soft laugh out before nodding, "Okay."

Everything is okay, until I remember. 2 days. The threat.

I would take off the next 3 days, but that would put someone else in danger.

"Hey Pip, do you wanna stay home the rest of the week?" I ask, nudging him.

He shakes his head, "No. I wanna go."

"You can sneak over to Georges'. I won't tell. Laf and Herc will be at work." I try to temp him.

He shakes his head, "We said goodbye. That's the end of that chapter."

Fuck, he's smart.

"Fine. But you are not going to school tomorrow. We probably will cancel on Friday."

He sighs, "Whateverrrrr."

I rub his back, "Pip, I don't want you to get hurt. I love you too much. I've already lost so many people that I love. You're all that I have, y'know."

I didn't try to guilt trip him; I was being honest. Mom's dead, dad's gone, Eliza left, John hates me. Pip is the only person that I love more than anything.

He breathes in, "Okay. Fine. I love you."

"I love you, too, Pip."

We sit for a few minutes before I inevitably stand up.

"Pip, what do you want to eat?"

"I don't care!" He whines, slouching on the couch.


His eyes light up for a second, before pretending to be annoyed, "Fine."

I roll my eyes lightly, starting on some pancakes.

Pip's POV

I fucking love pancakes he knows it.

I stand up from my place on the couch and decide to get dressed. I walk into my room.

First thing I see is Georges' hoodie.

I feel my throat close up. I told dad I didn't care if I saw him again, but really, I longed to just see him again. My eyes started to water. I collapse on the floor, next to the hoodie. I grab it, balling it up. I cry into it. I just... cry.

Alex's POV

After barely starting, I hear a thump. Then sobs.

I turn off the stove and bolt over to Philip's room.

He's in a ball, clutching a hoodie. His back is facing up, his face towards the ground. He's sitting on his knees. Only muffled sobs come from him.

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