Lex -42-

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John's POV

Hey, look. My turn again. Cool.

It's currently Sunday. 3 pm. Georges slept over again, on the couch. Oh, yeah, I'm at Alex's. I didn't spend the night, but I got here at 12 pm. Surprisingly, Pip and Georges were awake. Alex made sure that Theo and Burr were coming over while Georges was for obvious reason, y'know.

Speaking of which, the doorbell rings. Alex speed-walks before letting himself slide on the hardwood floor. The wonders of fluffy socks. He lays his hand on the doorknob, slowly opening it.

I realize at this moment that Alex is... cute? Hot? Gorgeous?


His ass is looking fucking hot in his skinny jeans, first of all. His over-sized sweater bunches up at the bottom, since it kind of cuffs at the bottom. It sits above his ass, giving me the view. The sleeves go to his fingertips, before he rolls the sleeves up. It's a soft purple with a small rose patch. His hair is pulled into a messy bun, which I find adorable.

I sound like a hormonal 16 year old (cough), but it's true!

I don't notice that I've been staring until Philip coughs. I quickly flick my gaze to meet his. He's smirking, a twinkle in his eyes.
I feel a warmth creep up the back of my neck and up to my cheeks. I rub the back of my neck awkwardly and glare at him simultaneously. He gives a thumbs up before running to the door and engulfing Theodosia into a hug.

As Burr walks in, we exchange a quick greeting before Alex suddenly yells out, "Pip, Georges, be smart. Theo, don't let them be stupid. Thanks Burr!" He swiftly slides his Vans on, ushering me to get up.

I was comfy.

I got up after hesitating. I meet him at the door and lace my Converse, shutting the door behind us once we're out.

We immediately go to mine, just to hang out. So that's where we are.
His head is on my chest, my arm around his waist.
He is perfect, honestly. All I want, ever, is someone who will be there for me and cuddle. He's the one.
We were watching New Girl on Netflix because it's actually really good. And Zooey Deschanel is a goddess in acting.

I barely even care about the show, though. My entire focus is on Alex.
The way his hair flows down to his shoulders in a perfect, luscious wave. The way his lips purse whenever he's deep in though or concentration, his chocolate brown eyes that you can get lost in for days. How his warm, little hands fit perfectly in mine. We're a puzzle. Each of us a puzzle piece. He completes me. God, his short frame and his lil' tummy. He's not chubby or 'fat' or anything, he just has a lil tummy and it's really cute. The way he walks and his hips sometimes do little movement that force me to look his way. Or his eyebrows and the way they come together whenever he's trying not to lose his temper, even though he ends up in an argument anyway. The way he's basically half a foot shorter than me and his face is at the perfect height to give me kisses on my jaw or neck. The way my arm can wrap around him and he pushes into my side. How we can walk through the cold streets and I feel all warm and gooey inside. The way his fingers intricately braid my hair when we lay down. And how he delicately traces my skin and makes me shiver. How he'll plant small kisses on my chest whenever he's laying how he is now. When he sits in my lap and slouches into my chest so I can play with his soft hair.

Okay, I'm done. I could go on forever about how perfect he is. Everything is perfect with him.

"John?" I look down at the angel on my chest.


He sits up and looks me in the eye. "You okay? You blanked for a sec."

I feel as my face gets splattered with crimson paint. "Yeah- just thinking."

He nods. He lays a quick kiss on my tender lips before resting his head back on my chest.

"Do you wanna actually go somewhere?" I don't, so I ask him.

"Not really-"

"Good." I lay wrap my arm around him, like previously, and rub circles on his tummy with my thumb.

"Hey, John?"

"Yeah, Lex?"

"Are we dating, or..?"

He waits for a moment.

"If you want to be, I will gladly take the offer."

I feel him smile and inhale. The warmth of his breath exits onto my torso. "I'd like that."

"I would, too, Lex."

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