Genetics -15-

824 61 56

(Tuesday night)

Pip's POV

As I'm sprinting back home, I notice a few notifications on my phone.

'Pops' is the culprit of most. Shit.

Pops: Pip, where are you?

Pops: Pip, you arent in your room. where did you go? im worried sick.

Pops: are you with georges? i wont be mad. just please say you're okay

Pops: Philip, please? I'm scared. I'm going to call the police.

It was 9:13

I quickly call him.


"Yeah, dad."

I hear him sigh, along with some shaky breaths. "Goddamnit, Pip... I was so fucking worried and scared... Where are you?"

"On my way home. I was on a walk. Sorry."

"That's such a lie, but I don't care right now. Thank God you're safe. Where are you right now- I can come get you or call an uber or something?"

"I'm like 5 minutes walking distance."

"Right. Stay on the line with me, okay? I don't want anything to happen to you. I'll be outside."

"Okay, pops."

"Honestly, were you with Georges?"


"Yes, dad."

"Fuck, Pip. You could've gotten you, him, and me in so much trouble. You can't do that, okay?"

"It's not my fault you took him away from me." Anger started growing.

"Philip, listen. I regret it. But ever since he came into your life, you started acting impulsively, stupidly, even. You had sex the day you met, losing your virginity, making out with him while his dads were home, and now? Sneaking out to go see him. Not to mention your recent outbursts. He... he's not good enough for you, Pip."

I calm down eventually, silence on the line for roughly 20 seconds.

"I-I'm sorry, dad. I didn't notice. I have more to tell you, when I get home."

"Okay, Pip. Did you fuck again? Is that it?"


"Jesus Christ, Pip." I hear him laugh.

His laugh makes me happy.

"Well, that isn't what I wanted to tell you. It's... more serious, per say."

"Okay. How close are you to home?"

"Down the road- I see the house lights."

"Okay..." He pauses for a bit, "I see you."

"Okay, I'm ending the call."

"Okay, Pip."

So I end the call. I continue to sprint across the barren roads. It was a 15 minute walk, about a 5 minute sprint. I make it to the sidewalk and tackle my dad in a hug. He lifts me up, his arms around my waist, my legs around his. We stay like this for a bit before I let go, causing him to do so as well.

I walk into the house and plop onto the couch.

Dad soon follows, wrapping an arm around me, "So, what did you want to talk about?"

"I... I think I have depression, dad."

He stops. He sits up, removing the arm from around me. His head falls in his hands.

"I- I'm sorr-" I start before he cuts me off.

"No, Pip. It's fine. I just... knew it."

I raise an eyebrow.

He lifts his head from his hands, "I have it, too. It can be genetic. I knew you were bound to have it."

I nod, considering his words.

"How long have you been feeling this?"

"Just recently. Maybe a month or so." I whisper.

He nods, "So, there's a possibility that you don't have it and it's just your body being an asshole. But there's another possibility that you do have it. I say give it a week. If it gets worse, talk to me and we can set up an appointment, okay?"

I sigh, "Thanks, dad. I love you."

He laughs, wrapping an arm around me again, "I love you more, Pip."

I curl up against his side.

A few moment pass, "Dad, I heard you and John yelling. I'm sorry."

His breathing stops for a second. "It's not your fault. It was my stupidity for taking Georges away from you."

"But... I shouldn't let him alter my mind. His personality definitely started to affect me, hence the entire impulsive situation."

"God, how did I get such a perfect kid?"

There's a pause.

"Genetics, dad. Genetics."

And that's that.

We fell asleep in that spot.

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