Moving -3-

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Alex's POV

"Hey! Dad! Can we get this house? Please!" Pip whines, walking into the house, again. I was originally going to get it, until I realize Eliza took half of my money.

"Pip, we don't have the money. We have to get the other one." I say softly.

"But once we get money-"

"Yes, Philip."

His a smile forms on his face as he finally exits for the 8th time.

"C'mon, we have to unpack. Plus, we need to both buy clothes and house stuff."

We finally leave the last store. By the time we get back 'home', we have a load of clothes in each of the two rooms. The house is tiny, but it's cute. The two rooms are next to each other, with a pretty big gap between them. No clue why. There's nothing in between them, just a thick wall.

The kitchen and dining room are merged into one, and the living room only has a couch that can fit four. A decent TV is sitting on a stand against the wall. To separate the kitchen and living room, we have on of those half-wall things. 

I buy Pip and myself a bunch of decor, blankets, pillows, and just stuff for living.

We order pizza since we didn't get to grocery shopping yet. I have an order set, I just need to pick it up later. It was already 10 PM on Saturday, so we decide to sleep.

I wake up in an empty bed- oh. Yeah.


I get up and see that it's 7 AM and Pip was definitely sleeping. 

I haul a taxi and go to the grocery store, pick the shit up, and get back in the matter of 15 minutes.

I walk back into the house and start putting the stuff away.

I should make pancakes.

So that's what I do. I make some good ol' pancakes for Pip and me.

As in on cue, Pip walks in just as I finish.

"Wait! We have food?" He asks, voice still full of sleep.

I nod and hand him a plate. He takes it gratefully and sits at the table. I join, sitting across from him.

"How'd ya sleep, Philip?"

"Decent. Had a dream about playing soccer, it was weird."

I laugh, considering he hasn't done any sport since he was 6... basically 9 years of no exercise. Like father like son.

"Huh." I add after I calm myself down.

Pip smiles, "So, you have work tomorrow! I get to see you, so don't get too bored."

"Philip, if you embarrass me, I embarrass you. Don't think I don't have baby pictures of you on my phone!" I stick my tongue out and he follows, except his mouth is full of pancake. "Philip! Swear all you want, but seriously! Have some manners!" I joke. Honestly, every teen swears at school, so I don't give a shit if he does it at home.

He smiles after taking a sip of lemonade, "I hope I make friends easily."

"Herc- Mr. Mulligan actually has a junior as well. Georges I think his name is." I propose softly.

His smile widens, "That's like... French!"

I shake my head and smile. Idiot.

"Yeah his hu-wife, actually, is French."

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