Alive -22-

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Alex's POV

"He's awake."

My breathing hitches.

The words echo.

He's alive.

He's alive.

I look at Georges. He's smiling like an idiot.

I grab John's wrist, standing up. He wakes up a bit, not processing anything. He goes along with it. I also grab Georges' wrist, who was sitting down.

"Georges, you're coming in, too."

The doctor doesn't protest, just guides us to the hospital room.

It opens.

Philip is on his phone. I'm not surprised.

"Pip?" I ask, walking in.

He looks up, smiling, "Dad! Oh thank God you're okay..." He looks at John, smiling.

Then his gaze goes to Georges.

He tries to sit up before falling flat on his back, which he plays of by propping himself on his elbow. "Georges- oh my fucking God." His face burns red.

I let go of Georges. He bolts over to Philip, connecting their lips.

They continue after a few seconds. It wasn't making-out, per se. It was gentle and passionate.

Of course, Laf comes in at this time.

He gasps.

I look up at him, "Let them have this. Georges thought he was dead."

Laf sighs, and nods, to my surprise.

They stop after a few seconds, Laf, John, and I awkwardly gazing around the room. They break apart and Georges sits down on a chair.

I walk up next, letting go of John, who I completely forgot I was holding. Sit down on the side of this hospital bed. It creaks softly.

"Hey, Pip. I missed you. I didn't think you'd... make it." I whisper the ending. I lean down, kissing his forehead.

He smiles, "Can't get away from me that quick, pops. I'm a fighter."

I laugh softly, "God, I love you."

He sits up a bit, trying to. "I love you, more, pops."

John sits next to me.

"Hey, John." Philip mutters out, yawning. He was asleep for like 12 hours. That was a bad joke wait.

"Hey, Philip. How you feeling?"

"My leg hurts. What happened after I got shot? I don't remember anything..." He trails off, gazing over to Laf.

Laf smiles, sitting next to Georges, "Well, little one, a lot happened. Charles- eh, how you say... tried to..." he ponders for a moment.

"He tried to shoot you again, but missed. There were more policemen down the hallway. No one else was really hurt. A few students were shot, but not fatally." Herc chimes in from the door.

Philip smiles, "Good. Glad all of you are safe."

Laf sighs after a comfortable silence, "Philip, I give you permission to... ah, yes, 'date' my son."

Georges looks confused, averting his gaze to everyone around him. "What?"

Laf smiles, "You have been talking about him non-stop, Georges."

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