Ending Where We Started -14-

972 58 120

(Tuesday night)

Pip's POV

It's 9 pm. Dad is sleeping.

Georges calls me.

I walk outside and sit on the bench, "Hey, G."

"Hi, Pip. I- I won't see you for a while, huh?"

"I guess so." I reply shortly.

"I miss you already."

I'm going to his house.

"Georges, I'm coming over."

"What? Pip, no. If my dads see you, they'll be furious with you!"

"Fuck it, I'm getting an uber." I state. So that's what I do. I have my own card, so dad won't know.

"Pip... I'll be outside."

"See you soon."

I end the call. I wait patiently for the uber.

Eventually, we're on his road.

"Hey- you can stop here."

The driver stops and smiles. I already paid via card, so I get out. I walk for a bit before I see Georges. Then I fully sprint. He does, too.

I pull him into a tight hug. He pulls away nearly immediately.

I raise an eyebrow, "Did I-"

"No, it just wasn't enough."

I was about to ask, but he kisses me.

I kiss back, my hands immediately cling to his hair, his hands on my hips.

"God, I missed this..." He whispers after pulling away for a second.

"I kissed you this morning..." I mention. He doesn't answer.

He pulls away again and grabs my hand. The house he lives in is fairly big, but he's on the bottom floor. Meaning window.

He easily climbs through the open window, helping my up after.

We land on his bed. He shuts the window and walks over the the door. He locks it.

He smirks, "You know, we won't see each other for a while. Maybe we should relive the beginning..."

I feel my face heating up.

I nod.

He takes his shirt off, and I quickly follow, after throwing my shoes onto the ground.

We literally have only known each other for 2 days. What am I doing?

Fuck it, it already happened once.

I quickly slip off my sweatpants as he does the same with his jeans.

He quickly pins me down to his bed, his warm breath hovering over my skin. He leans down to my lips, starting soft. His one hand holds my wrists above my head, the other one trailing down my skin to my boxers. His hand slides in, pulling them off. I feel myself shiver at his touch, becoming more... needy. His tongue enters my mouth, causing a soft moan to escape my lips. I feel his hand moving, pulling his own boxers off.

He pulls away for a second.

"We don't have anything-"

"Wallet in my sweatpants- condoms." I whisper.

He nods, quickly leaning over the bed and throwing me my wallet. I catch it, fumbling with it to open. I grab two condoms and hand him one.
a/n if yall are like why do they need condoms. it helps stop the spread of stds if one of them were to have one :)

He takes the previous position.

He sucks on his fingers before sitting up on top of me. He moves so he can shove a finger into my... ew. This sounds gross. He puts his spit-covered finger in... me, coating.

He shoves another finger in, slowly pushing them in and out. I try to stifle back my moans as much as possible, causing my teeth to dig into my lip.

He pulls his fingers out and lines himself up, grabbing hold of my waist.

I nod, holding his blankets tightly.

He starts slowly, going in and out. I watch as he grabs my shirt from the side of the bed and tosses it to me. I roll it into a 'gag' like thing, since my lip was already bleeding from holding back so many moans. I put the shirt in my mouth, letting muffled moans out immediately. He begins to push into me harder. This entire time, he was doing what I was- biting my lip to stop moaning. I loosely throw my hand over the bed and grab an item of clothing, boxers. I dunno whose they were, and frankly, I didn't care. I throw them at him, and he follows what I did previously. Funnily enough, I realize that they were mine. But I don't care. At this point, the bed was rocking slightly, but not enough to creak. We continue at this rate.

This was harder than we went before, but it feels so right.

Georges pushes in faster, thanking God that a, the walls were thick, and b, his bed wasn't creaky. He grabs the boxers from his mouth and whispers, "I'm close, Pip." He lets a soft moan out.

That was like music to my ears, in the least weird way possible.

I follow, taking my shirt out of my mouth and nod in agreement. After a few more stifled and soft moans, I feel myself... release. Followed soon by Georges.

He pulls out. He takes his condom and ties it, chucking into the trash by his bed. I do the same.

He lays next to me, panting. I'm probably just as sweaty and red as he is.

"God... if our dads find out, we're dead." He whispers between breathes.

"Yeah, but it's okay." I rest my head on his chest, above his defined abs. He played like 6 sports against his will, but damn. He's hot.

"As long as I got you, mon amour."

I sigh, "I have to leave. If your dads come in at any moment, this will be hell."

He nods.

I sit up, realizing how exposed I was. But I am way to tired to care.

Georges suddenly speaks, "Well, this was a great goodbye."

I laugh softly, "You can say that again." I quickly put on my clothes, two articles being slightly damp for known reasons. I grab my wallet and shove it into my pocket. Georges stays naked. I don't mind. I sit on his bed, criss-cross, across from him. He's sitting up, too.

"God, I'm going to miss you." He mutters.

"Yeah, I'm going to miss you, too."

He leans in. I do, too.

Our lips connect for the last time.

I make my way to the window and open it.

Georges grabs my shoulder before I leave. He looks me in the eyes, "Philip Hamilton, I love you."

I feel tears well up, one falls, "Georges Louis Gilbert de Lafayette Mulligan," I add a smile and soft laugh, "I love you, too."

And with that, I hop out the window and onto my feet. I wave to him as I walk away.

Everything good comes to an end.

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