Nice -46-

849 53 87

a/n 2 update for ya bc i havent uploaded this book in forever :) also a v slight smut bc u guys are horny and always yell at me for being a cockblocker cough



John's POV

I am going to kill Laf and Herc. They're going to find out that they were... you know- one way or another.

Pip still had tears streaming down his face. It's only been two minutes.

"Philip, wanna go inside and just relax? Your next period is French, right?"

He nods softly, wiping his tears away, "Yeah, it is."

"Right. I'll just say you were helping me set some shit up, okay?"

He nods again, a small smile pressed on his lips.

I stand up and grab Philip's wrist softly, helping him up as well.
We walk back to my abandoned room. I shut the door and slide into my desk.
"Do whatever you want, Pip. Just... calm down, okay? I don't like seeing you so upset."

He smiles softly, "Thanks, John."

"No problem, at all."

He puts his phone on his desk, propping it up with his pop-socket. I can only assume that it's GOT.

The 40 minutes was pretty chill- mainly silent and the muffled tones of Philip's phone.

He groans, standing up. He slips out of his desk, turning his phone off. Philip grabs his binder and walks towards the door before turning to face me.

"I'll talk to Laf during lunch break. Don't worry about it."

He smiles a teethy smile at me, "Thank you, so much, John. It means a lot."

I nod, "Now go to class, your dad will kill us both if you miss another class." I add a light-hearted laugh.

He lets out a short chuckle before leaving my room.

I have 2 free periods, happens to be second and third. I do literally nothing except watch movies so it's cool.
However, Alex also has third as a free period.

As expected, he walks in the door a few moments after the bell rings.

"Do you know why Philip skipped Laf's class? Have you seen hi-" His voice is frantic and worried. He sits on a table near my desk while massaging his temples.

"Lex, calm down. He was with me- he had a little bit of a break down. I'll explain it to Laf- he won't mind." I try to answer all of his questions, but he keeps asking.

"What was it about? He never breaks down! Is he okay?"

"Babe, hush. Georges was- er... Pip will tell you. It's not my place to. It's a lot."

He raises a brow before nodding. "He's okay now?"

I nod with a smile, "Yeah- he's fine. I think he was just watching Game Of Thrones on his phone the entire time. He seemed to be a lot better when he left." I stand up and sit next to Alex on the table.

"Thanks, John. It means a lot." His voice is hushed and nearly a whisper.

I shake my head before pecking him on the lips, "It's nothing."

He smiles, turning his head towards me instead of looking at the ground. I had to do one of those 'lean-and-kiss-while-nearly-falling-off-the-table.'
He leans in towards me, our lips interlocking.
We never show anything during school, free period or not.
It's nice.

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