Mistake -6-

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Pip's POV

My dad found I had had sex. That's so fucking weird! Right now, I was walking with him and my teacher, who he had sex with, to Starbucks.

But man. Now I get why people are so into fucking.

Like it was weird. But good? I need to stop talking.



"Well... dad's gone..." I note as pops leaves with Mr. Laurens.

"Was that Mr. Laurens?" Georges asks.


"No, it was a different person, but they look really similar now that you say that..." I whisper.

"I have an hour before I have to go home. What should we do?"

"Damn it, Georges, we know it's going to happen sometime. I'm gonna get the condoms."

His face lights up and he nods

I run to the bathroom and open up the condoms. Shit. Now dad's really going to know... oh well.

I grab two and walk to the couch, wrapping my fingers around Georges' wrist and pulling him to my room. I lock the door, just in case dad gets home early.

I throw the condoms on the nightstand and pull my shirt of, Georges does the same. Before I know it, he pins me to my bed in a passionate make-out session. This was my second kiss ever, the first was from earlier.

"Hey... Georges? Is this your- uh..." I mutter out.

"First time? Yeah." He finishes my thoughts as his hands grab the waist of my sweat pants. He slides them off and does the same to himself, both of us in our boxers.

Shit. I forgot about lube- I wonder if dad has any in the cupboard. Ew. What the fuck.

"Lube. I say, rolling out from underneath the hot ass guy pinning me down. Lube is a weird word. Like... luuuube. Who named it? What the fuck?

He sits and I notice his, er, dick, being especially prominent. Eh this is weird.

Mine is the same.

~End of Flashback~

I shiver just thinking about it. It was a new experience, and I can say one thing.

It's going to happen again, sooner or later.

Eventually, we get to the cafe and sit at a booth. Mr. Laurens and dad are on one side while I'm facing them.

"So, dad, how was it wit-"

"Pip, I'm going to say to stop talking if you know what's good for you."

I caught Mr. Laurens laughing quietly while I snickered. Honestly, Mr. Laurens was super nice and dad and him definitely would work together well.

"Sorry, pops. Can I get a muffin and caramel frappe, please?"

"Yep. John?" He pops the 'p', knowing it annoys me. Mr. Laurens asks for the same thing as dad slips off to go to the counter.

"So, Philip, how's life so far." He smiles politely.

"Eh, could be better, could be worse. I hope people like me at school..."

"Philip, Georges seems to like you a bit." He winks while continuing, "I'm sure you'll fit in easily. If not, your dad and I are always here for you, y'know."

"Thanks, Mr. Lau-"

"Please, call me John outside of school. It's fucking weird." He laughs softly, cracking a smile.

I return it, "Good, 'John'. How's dad- not like that, I mean, are you actually considering to uh..." I don't know how to word the sentence without sounding... weird.

"Date him? Yeah." His face tints a bit red.

"Good. I hate to see him alone with his 15 year old asshole of a son." I smile softly.

"Hey, Philip, don't say that. Frankly, you are one of the sweetest teenage kids, especially to their parent. No 15 year old shows love to their parent openly, and your dad appreciates that you do. He talks about you a lot." He smiles, about to gush about my dad. Not letting that happen.

"Oh, cool. Is there any tea to spill about anything? The line is long and dad's only half way there. I need tea, sis." I joke and laugh.

"Um, just found out my sister's girlfriend is straight... for me."

I find myself gasping for air after laughing, "That..." I sputter out. He's also laughing pretty hard. We get weird stares from people, and dad, glaring, like he wants to kill us.

"Indeed, Philip. Anything from you?"

"Not really. I got on instagram and saw Georges tagged me in a photo and now a bunch of kids from school are following me and commenting that I'm hot. It's weird." I furrow my eyebrows and laugh a little.

"Wow, quite the fan-base, huh? In school I was closeted, obviously, and the amount of girls hitting on me... man, that was painful." He whispers while chuckling.

Dad slides next to John and hands us our stuff.

"I hate everything." Dad mutters while taking a sip of his black coffee.

"Elaborate." John demands.

"These fucking dicks were asking me how much coffee I needed to stay awake, since I have dark ass bags under my eyes and 3 coffees." He growls, grinding his teeth.

"Damn, pops, calm yourself. Did you mention you have a cute boyfriend and a hot son?" I crack a smile and let out a soft laugh, John doing the same.

"A, not my boyfriend, probably won't be. B, I will never say my son is hot. Especially after you fucked my coworkers' kid." He smiles a bit before sipping his coffee again.

John looked a bit disappointed when he said that they weren't together, so I have to swoop in, as per usual.

"Speaking of, why aren't you dating? You already fu-"

"Philip Hamilton I swear to God if you finish that sentence I will... I dunno. We were drunk as hell. It didn't really mean anything." Dad states, sipping his drink. I instantly recognize a hint of 'mistakes were made' in his eyes as John's face gets red and his eyes glossy... how do I fix this?

"John, can we talk quickly?" I blurt out.

Dad raises an eyebrow and slides out of the booth, letting John out. Dad sits back down and gets his phone out. I grab John and take him outside the door.

"John, he didn't mean it."

"I mean nothing to him, Philip. Just leave me go while you can, yeah?"

"No, please. My mom left me... you can't be next!" I know guilt-tripping is a big no, but they need to be together. It's partly true, anyway.

"Philip, I'm sorry b-"

"John, shut the fuck up, okay? My dad is head over heels for you. He doesn't show it through words. He sucks at talking. But hell, that guy can write. The way he looked at you on the first day of school? Awe-struck! You're just oblivious! He was totally eye-fucking you!" I blurt out, getting angry.

"Philip, please, stop."

I take a breath and nod.

"Philip, I don't want him to regret any of this, me." His eyes are glossing over again.

"John if you fucking cry- I dunno. Just don't. I don't wanna see you cry, okay?"

He nods and wipes his eyes with his sleeve.

I pull him back into the cafe and he sits next to me this time, on the inside.

"You need to talk. I'll be in the bathroom." I say and walk over to the bathrooms. They don't know, however, that before I put my phone down on the table, I started a recording. The phone was face down so they couldn't see.

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