Deal -53-

642 41 71

Pip's POV

Honestly, I blacked out. I don't remember anything except for what's happening now. I'm awake in a room, my mouth still gagged. The room has a bed, which I'm sitting on. It has a desk with an office chair, and that's basically it. I go to get off the bed, but I'm tied to the bed frame.
Like, kinky-ass shit.

I hear a cough, then a short hum.

It's a guy I've never seen before.

He opens the door completely, the shadow falling across his face. His resting face curls into a twisted smile. "You're awake."

I nod.

He takes a step, "Goody. Hush yourself, or you'll be dead, kid."

He continues to walk into the room until he reaches the side of the bed. He leans over and unties the gag.
He immediately slams his hand over my mouth, "Shh."

I nod again.

He pulls his hand away, but it's still hovering.
I take a breath.

"What's your name, kid?" I actually hear his voice, not just listen to it. It's raspy and low.


He rolls his eyes, "Last name, too, dimwit."

I take another breath. "Hamilton. Philip H-Hamilton."

He freezes. "You've got to be kidding-"

I raise an eyebrow.

"Who's your parents?"

I don't answer.

"Kid, we make this easy or hard. Who the hell are your parents."

I force my lips into a thin line.

He grits his teeth and grabs my shoulder. Through my shirt, I can feel his calloused hands. His cold, brown eyes are level with mine. "Who are your parents?"
His breath reeks of old coffee and soda, probably some chips, as well.

I gulp. "A-Alexander and Eli-"

He cuts me off. "Of fucking course. Out of everyone-" He sighs, removing his oddly large hand off of me and connects it to his temple. "Alexander Hamilton. Fuck."

I furrow my brows.

He begins to pace, muttering to himself. I catch a few words. "Keep," "Stay," "Go," "Hide."

After a minute of watching the scene, he stops. "Okay, Philip. Since you had to be the offspring of a pretty well-known person, that means you have to stay with me longer than intended. Probably a week, when people start to think that you died."

I nod, "Wow, normal, alright."

He rolls his eyes, "Either you work with me, or against me. One will be more favorable. The other could possibly lead to illegal shit happening, and let's just say that I'm not one to get caught."

That shut me up. I try to think of something to say, but nothing comes out.

"Okay, kid, the reason I brought you here was just to... have some fun, to say the least. That's the illegal part. Next part is not getting caught, meaning, you can't tell anyone."

He stops talking, almost looking for more words.

"Okay, and if I go against-"

"You're dead." He shrugs, walking over to the door.

He leaves the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Who the hell is he? How does he know my dad? Is he going to rape me 'fun' or have me do illegal shit?

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