Everything Felt Fine -45-

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Pip's POV

I finally get to go back to school; dad has been babying me since I got shot. Fair.
Anxiety is trailing up my spine and to my chest. Not quite panic attack bad. Georges is why.

We haven't talked since Monday; the day after we were taunting Burr.
He hasn't been really messaging or calling me. He reads my texts but will leave them sometimes.

And he's been transferred back to the school.

I slip on my flannel, ripped skinny jeans and my converse. Good enough.

I pull out my phone and slip into the dining area, sitting in my usual seat. 6:47 am.

Pip: hey Georges 💕💖i love you! hope today goes good :D
(Read 6:47 AM)

I wait for a response.

Georges: typing...

It goes away.

Then pops back up.
Along with a message.

Georges: aw, thanks <3 see u later!
(Delivered 6:49 AM)

"Pip? You good? You've been staring at your phone for like 5 minutes." Dad sits across from me, sliding a mug of coffee and a plate of pancakes to my side.

"Thanks- I'm fine... fine." I mutter the last bit.

He sighs, "What happened?"



"He won't talk to me very much, like he used to. Not since Monday." I spew at once.

"Hm... talk about it today with him. Homeroom?"

"Okay, okay."

We finish breakfast and head to the school. We arrive around 7, meaning 15 minutes to hang around. I throw my books onto my desk and sit. And wait.

One words echoed through my mind.


"Pip?" I look at the clock- I've been spaced out for 10 full minutes. I look up to the person who said my name.

"Georges- we need to talk."

He nods, "Yeah."


He sits down.

"Why were you distancing yourself from me?" I ask immediately. I cover up an emotion I can.

"This... isn't working, Pip. It was fun while it lasted- it just... I dunno." He gazes at the ground.

I hum, "That's it?"

He shrugs.

"Georges, there's more. What is it?"

He sighs. "I can't tell you. You'll hate me forever and I still want to be friends. You're the closest-"

"Georges, tell me." I demand sternly. My voice was harsh enough for dad to hear. I catch him out of the corner of my eye watching.

"No. You'll never wanna talk to me again-"

I slam my hand on the desk, "Tell. Me." My teeth are clenched together.

He mutters something that I don't catch.


He has tears rolling down his face when his eyes meet mine. "I... I'm a shitty person, Philip. Just... I was using you, okay?" He let the orbs spill from his eyes and onto his lap.

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