Blushin' -27-

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Alex's POV

Philip moaned.

That's one thing I did not want to hear- ever.

John was cracking up in a grocery story, people rolling their eyes and glaring as they passed.

When he does calm down, he smirks a bit.

Oh dear God, what is he going to say now?

He walks over so he's pretty close.

"So much for 'no Georges' and 'no sexual activity'- he can't listen to two things, apparently." He smirks a bit.

"They've only known each other for like a week!" I begin to grow annoyed and a bit upset. They were still only 15 and 16, Pip was turning 16 in a few days.

John raises an eyebrow, "Lex, same with us."

I blush at the nickname, and he notices this time. "However, John, we are grown ass men. Normal 16 year olds don't have sex every other day."

"Well... Lex, as we are done shopping, and do not want to walk in on Philip... maybe we should go to my house." He smirks, causing my blush to darken.

I nod softly and walk up to the cashier.

This is going to be a long drive.


We get to John's house in about 3 minutes, the store being not far.

Right as I walk in, John leans down and kisses me with... passion, need, definitely lust.

I let him- I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, his arms under my ass to support me. He continues to kiss me, eventually pulling away.

He smirks and furrows his brows. He's thinking. I don't like that.

He leans down to my jaw, sucking lightly, but a mark will be made. He trails more marks down my neck, gaining soft moans from me.

I open my eyes and watch as his face fills with love and lust, walking to the bedroom.

He sets me down, taking his shirt off.

I realize at this moment that I still was not fully... recovered from last night. But fuck it, y'know.

John pins me down, as usual, and uses one hand to slip my shirt off. His lips go to my collarbone, sucking more harshly against it. The moans get louder, we get more needy, at the least.




After we... finish, we decide to go back to my house.


Unsurprisingly, I walk in and immediately see Philip cuddling against Georges on the couch, laying down.

"Hey, guys." I call, closing the door.

I watch as Pip tries to sit up as a reaction, but due to probably two things, he stays laying.

Georges burns red, sitting up successfully.

"So, Pip, we need to talk." I say while smiling. John snickers.

I hear him groan, "Ugh."

I laugh a bit, "Pip, I have you two rules. You broke both of them. Grounded."

I never grounded him, but seriously, he needs to listen.

"Whyyyy?" He asks, drawing out the word.

"You recently just had sex, breaking rule one. Rule two was 'No Georges,' so that one was obviously broken, considering number one was." I snicker softly.

He sighs, "But, I'm fiiiiine."

"You can't even sit up." I argue.

"I'll be fine."

"You know the internal bleeding can start up again, even if you only had it during surgery."

Georges sits up, shocked, "What?"

I nod, "That's why the 'no sexual activity' rule took place."

He sighs, "Fuck-"

"Georges, you should be going. I'm sure your dads will be looking for you soon."

He nods, escaping Pip's embrace, "Thanks, Mr-" he pauses.


He looks up, a small smile, "...Alex. Thanks."

I nod, letting him pass me to the door.

As soon as he walks out, John bursts into laughter.

I just stare at him until he calms himself.

"I- every time I see him, I will forever think of that phone call." He whispers, gasping.

Pip burns a bright red. I begin to laugh alongside John.

"It- it wasn't my fault!" Philip yells, covering his face with a pillow.

John speaks up, "Oh, we know. It was Georges' fault."

Philip groans, "I hate you."

John shakes his head, sitting in the one free spot. Pip is sprawled out quite obnoxiously.

My two favorite people.

"Hey, Lex, you should like... get me a waterrr." John requests while sitting back.

"Um... nope!" I walk over and sit on the arm of the couch, leaning against John.

"Gasp." John whispers, standing up.

I flick him, quickly taking his spot on the couch. He walks over to the kitchen, blocked by a half-wall.

"You guys dating or what?" Pip asks annoyingly loud.

"No, Pip, for fuck's sake." I mutter.

"You should though. Free A's on my bio tests."

I hear John laugh a bit, "Not quite, Pip. If anything, I would fail you so I could come over to 'tutor' you. But just chill and hang out with my favorite boysss!"

I chuckle, rolling my eyes. God, I'm falling.

"Dad's blushin'!" Pip yells, getting John's attention.

John walks over with a glass of water, taking a sip. He walks over in front of me, tilting his head. Thinking.
Before I know it, he holds up my head with his free index finger and thumb, as if studying my face. Then his lips are on mine. He pulls away almost as quickly, studying my face again, no emotion shown.

Then he speaks, "So, two ways to make you blush. Noted."

I hear Pip laughing.

John sits on the arm of the couch, as I did previously.

God, I'm lucky.

2 of my favorite people in one place.

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