Samuel Carr -50-

809 56 161


Pip's POV

Okay, just gotta tap a few keys and that's a text.

Just text him for fucks sake.
Oh my God just fucking hit send.

Pip: hey. it's philip. this is sam, right?

Sam: yeah!

Pip: cool, cool. what room number are you at?

Sam: 85

Pip: whoa im in 82

Sam: oh shit ur like right there lmao

Pip: yeah- when are you free? we can go out later if you're up to it?

Sam: that's good. i dont have much to do for the next 3 days so lmao

Pip: okay um is like 2 hrs good?

Sam: yeah, yeah. cool. see you soon?

Pip: definitely. see ya.

Okay. Okay.
Better than I thought.
He didn't reject me.

What if he thinks it's a bro thing?
Like he's straight?

I hear the door open and, as expected, John and dad are coming in.

"It's been an hour. You said 30 minutes- please tell me you didn't-" I catch them blush, "-oh my God, you did." I sigh, shaking my head. "I'm the horny teen? Please." I wave them off before remembering that I'm going on a date in 2 hours.

I get up and toss my phone on my bed. I go into the closet (again) to find decent clothes. I hope I brought something?

"So, when're you going out-" Dad begins before I cute him off.

"2 hours. Help." I skim through the clothes.

"Where are you even going?" John asks while redoing his now very messy hair.

"Uh- I don't know? Cafe probably?"

"Cliche, but fine. Sweater and skinny jeans." John walks over to me and points at the things he was talking about.

He chooses a pastel blue sweater and black skinny jeans. He hands me my Vans and a muted pink beanie. Surprisingly pairs pretty well. I lay the clothes on the bed and grab my phone.

Sam: ok where are we going so i can at least dress appropriately?

Pip: cafe if that's okay?

Sam: yeah- that's super good. see you lmao

Pip: bye

I slip into the bathroom and start a shower.

Eventually, it's 30 minutes until the date. The outfit oddly suits me, which is nice. I make sure my wallet is in there, and a few condoms fall out.
Oh yeah.

Snickers are heard over by John and dad's bed.

John was smiling and staring at the condoms that now reside on my bed.

"That soon, Pip?" He asks with a glimmer of 'ha I caught you' in his eyes.

I feel my face burn red, "Shut the fuck up, John."

Dad sits up from where he was laying (and playing on his phone) and glares at me, "How dare you talk about both your teacher and dad's boyfriend that way?"

I can't help but laugh, John doing the same. I wave them off and head to the bathroom one last time.

Okay. I look good- for once. I brush my teeth... again. I check my wallet to make sure no more condoms were in there. Luckily, there wasn't. I had about $100 from when I had an allowance- now, I just help around when dad isn't home so he doesn't really know. I just want to help him out, especially after the whole 'mom leaving' thing.

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