Idiot -25-

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Alex's POV

I was still in terrible pain.

But Philip is more important than anything.

John smirks, throwing me my clothes.

I roll my eyes, groaning, "Shut uppp!"

He sits on the bed, directly in front of me, "Now why would I want to do that, darlin'?" His accent slips out, causing me to blush profusely.

"Because you're annoyyyinngg..." I mutter.

He smiles, "Hm... not what you said last night, baby girl."

I can't take this. My heart is beating quicker. God, why is he so hot?

His eyes flicker down to my lips.

God, just fucking do it.

He smirks, raising his green eyes to my brown ones. He closes the gap.

It's more aggressive this time, but passionate.

He scoops me up and places me in his lap, our chests facing each other.

I completely forget that I never put on the clothes that I was given.

John notices, too, using it to his advantage. As in trailing his hands down my side and to my ass.

I whisper a quick, "Fuck you..." against his lips.

He hums. "Your wish in my command, dear Alex."

I roll my eyes behind my closed eyelids.

Eventually, I pull away. "Philip."

He shakes his head and pouts, "Aw, we were getting somewhere, though."

"My son died yesterday." I argue.

He nods, "Yep. True."

He lets me change in relative privacy, besides a few peaks that I notice.

I am obviously limping, enough to get John to laugh hysterically.

"Aw, did I hurt you?" He eventually says once gaining his breath.

"Fuck off, John." I mutter, but I can't help but smile. His laugh is something to die for.

"Not what you sai-"

"You said that joke so many times, John. Just... stop." I laugh softly, walking to the open door, passing him.

"That's fair."

He follows me out, both of us putting our shoes back on.

Once we get into his car, his hand finds its way to my thigh.

I let it stay there.

We arrive to the hospital safely, noticing we're early.

It's only 7:50.

After a short interaction with the front-desk-lady, we run up to Philip's room. He was just on his phone, as usual.

He looks up as the door closes, his smile widening at my limp.

"So, dad-"

"No, Pip." I smile, taking a seat and pulling it up to his bed. It was obvious that when I sat down that I cringed.

John was also smirking, sliding a chair over.

"Ew, you guys are gross- and he's my teacher, dad!" Pip complains, sticking his tongue out in fake disgust.

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