Dad -26-

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Pip's POV

Eventually, we get out of the hospital. I guess John asked dad on a date, aka I turned on my voice recording, turning my phone off, and chucked it at the door. I heard the entire conversation, and my phone's okay! Win-win!

I'm laying in my bed because apparently it helps me heal or something. What dad doesn't know, however, is that the window is open and Georges can drive. Dad said I couldn't sneak out to see him, so Georges gets a pass, right?

Speaking of Georges, I hear a tap on my window. I look over and see the top of his head, while his hands grip the bottom of the window.

Suddenly, he pushes himself into my room, trying not to make any noise.


There's a thud.


How can I make this believable?

I watch Georges steal my phone off of my desk and place it near the door.

I threw my phone. Sure.

He stands at the entrance of my closest, half in.

Ew. That sounds weird.

I hear tapping on my door.

"Yeah?" I ask loudly.

"You alright, Pip?" Dad's voice echoes.

"Yeah- just threw my phone."

"Again? You need to stop." I hear him laugh softly, opening the door. He grabs it and tosses it to me, shutting the door soon after.

I sigh, placing my phone on the bedside table.

Georges saunters over to my bed, sitting criss-cross.

"Idiot." I whisper, propping myself up on my elbow.

He shakes his head with a smile, "I'm not the one that got a bullet lodged in their hip."

I roll my eyes, "For youuuuuuu!" I tease.

"I wasn't even there, Pip."

I sigh.

"Exactly." He gleams proudly, finally winning an argument against me.

"Just kiss me, damn it." I mutter, staring into his dark eyes. God, they're captivating- no. He is.

He smirks, putting his hand on my shoulder and pushing me down gently.

I feel a blush spread across my face as he pins me down as he usually does.

I watch as he studies my face, his gaze landing on my lips.

He lowers his face to mine, his hot breath against my lips.

Then they connect. I immediately open my mouth, his tongue slides in. God, I love this.

It gets aggressive, our lips are definitely swollen by now. He makes sure not to put any pressure around my legs or hip.

I want him. Badly.

But my stupid hip.

Stupid Thomas.

Stupid Charles.

I hear my name being called.

"Pip, John and I are going out for a bit. It's 12 pm, by the way. We'll be back in an hour or so."

I push Georges off of me slightly, "Yeah- that's fine!"

"Make sure Georges doesn't come over- I don't want your hip to get worse." I hear John yell. I can almost hear his smirk.

"Shut up, John!" I yell. I hear the door open and close, signalling they left.

"How bad does your hip hurt, Pip?" Georges asks, innocently.

"Hm... pretty bad, but I have a pretty high pain tolerance... why do you ask, Georges?" I tap my cheek, as if I was wondering.

He smirks, "I think you know, Pip."

Oh God, do I...

I watch as he reaches into his sweatpants pocket, pulling two condom and a small thing of lube.
He knew it.

I smirk in return, letting him strip me of my clothes. He soon does the same to himself.

This is really stupid.

First of all, we've literally had sex almost every other day. And every time one of us ends up at the others' house, it happens. Second, I'm supposed to be recovering. No physical activity at all, and I assume that means sex.
I mean, the doctor literally said, "No sexual activity for a week."

Oh well.

I watch as he puts the condom on, handing me one.

I do the same.

He grabs the thing of lube and laced himself with it.

He takes my legs over his shoulders, so they don't spread to hurt my hip even more than this will.

"You ready?" He asks softly, worry in his voice.

I nod.

I watch him lining himself up, slowly pushing into me. Like, painfully slow. Not physically painful, just... I want him now and he's going really slow kind of slow.

He finally is all the way in. It doesn't hurt, like, at all.

I nod.

He pulls out quicker, pleasing my friction craving.

I let a soft moan out, not caring that the window was wide open.

He pushes in slightly harder. It hurts my hip, but not too much.

Eventually, my moans get louder and his does to.

Then my phone rings.

I reach over to it, Georges looking scared.

He was still, like, inside of me.

He pulled out, cause a moan to escape my lips unwillingly.

"Fuck- my dad." I whisper, answering the phone.

"Hey, dad." Right as I finish the word, Georges pushed back into me.


He's going to make this very difficult. I scrunch my face up, stifling a moan.

"Do you need anything? John and I are at the store."

Georges smirks, pulling out slight before slamming into me.

I gasp.

"Pip, you alright?" Dad's voice laced with confusion and worry.

"Yeah- sorry, just sat up too fast. I don't need anything."

Georges pulls out again, looking me in my eyes.

I shake my head frantically. He pushes into me.

"Okay, Pip."

I let a small moan out, barely registering it happened.


Georges smiles, on the verge of laughter.

"Pip- please tell me Georges isn't there-" His voice sounded annoyed and disgusted.

"Um- nope! Gotta go! Bye dad!" I yell, hanging up the phone.

Right before my finger lands on the 'end call' button, I hear a bit of laughter from John and a, "Oh my God," from dad.

I glare at Georges, who just smiles.

He begins going at a faster pace.

Can't stay mad at him for long.

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