Georges (Reprise) -48-

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Alex's POV

Eventually, Pip comes to my class.

Update- I chugged like 2 bottles of Mountain Dew hoping it covered up the breath from my last encounter with John.

He walks in, looks at me, and starts laughing softly.

The door wasn't locked.

He takes his assigned seat next to Georges and he sighs. He props his elbow up on the desk, his head resting on his hand.

The bell hasn't rung, so I call him up, "Pip, c'mere really quick."

He gets up and walks over to my desk, his shoulders heavy. "Yeah, pops?"


Before I even finish saying his name, Pip burns red and begins to chuckle a little bit, "Yeah, I know, I walked-"

"-said that you were upset today?"

The color drains from his face, "Yeah, about that... can we not talk about it?"

I shake my head, "Pip, we need to talk about it. After school?"

He nods slightly, "Yeah, fine. Whatever- and please lock the door-"

I feel my face turn red, "Oh my God, Pip, please say you didn't see-"

He laughed a bit louder, "Oh, dad, I saw."

"Philip, I swear to God-"

"I honestly didn't know how submiss-"

"Philip, I will literally fail you this entire semester and I'm sure John will, too."

"I mean, you can't fail me for that, pops."

"Philip, go sit down, Goddamnit."

"A'ight, just don't let me walk into that ever again."

"Deal? I guess? Just don't walk in during very inconvenient times."

He smirks, "I'll try- also, can you switch my seat? I'll explain later."

I nod hesitantly, "Right, next to Theo?"

He smiles, "Yeah, thanks. Love ya."

He sits down at his new seat as the bell rings. Georges' goes pale.

Oh God- I hope they didn't break up.

Theo takes her place beside Philip. He's whispering in her ear. She goes pale. Her eyes are glossy. A solitary tear slides down Philip's cheek. They hug for a few seconds. Everyone else is doing the worksheet I assigned.

Theo's nice. Pip loves her a lot, platonically, of course. I think.

Eventually, the period ends and I sit in my car along with Pip, waiting for John. When he arrives, he slips into the passenger seat and pecks my cheek a bit, causing a gag to escape Philip's lips.

I turn my head to look at Pip, shooting him a glare before turning my eyes in front of me.

We get to the house and pile inside. We each take a seat on the couch, Philip one side while John and I were smushed together on the remaining two cushions.

"So, why were you sad?" I start. Philip starts to fiddle with his thumbs.

"Er- I..." He takes a breath after he pauses, "Georges."

I raise an eyebrow and feel John tense up. I was leaning against him.

"He- uh," a tear slips from his eye. He puts on a fake smile, "Used me. Yep." More tears were streaming from his eyes.

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