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Alex's POV

Yes, I did some shitty things.
But, now, I have Philip and John. That's all I need.

Philip and Sam are doing well. They're dating- and have been on 3 dates thus far. We go back home in two days.

Eliza still has everything she took from me, Angelica updating me every time things happen. The baby is healthy and safe.
And yes, I could've called anyone and gotten Eliza into trouble. I just couldn't. She has been waiting for her perfect child, and she has it. I have mine. I could easily get Eliza into jail, but I won't. I couldn't see Eliza going through all of this, and even if I did, that would've taken an emotional toll on Angelica, Philip, and definitely Peggy- I mean, she lost her long-time girlfriend and then she would've lost her sister.
I want everyone to just have an okay life.

Philip and I are going to see the baby soon. Eliza named him Alexander. Creative.
Angelica is watching over him the day we go, so I won't have to see Eliza nor Maria.
And Peggy will be there, too.

And here's my revelation:
My only purpose in the world is to teach.
Not just as a job.

I taught Philip how to do the small things, like walk and talk.
I taught Eliza that not everything is easy.
I taught Thomas not to fucking mess with my family- don't ask.
I taught John that everything can and will be okay.

But, most importantly, I taught myself.
I taught myself that I can love, and be loved. That everyone has someone- or people.
I taught myself that life can fuck you up.
But, I also taught myself that I am strong enough to stand back up.

And that's my life.
That's my job.
That's my purpose.

To teach.

hey. i hope you liked the book because boY i loved writing it. should i do a sequel?
anyway. you should answer these questions:

what was your favorite part of the story?

what was your least favorite part?

what part did you not expect?

what part made u cry the most lmao

thats all. i love u)

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