Damn! -57-

648 45 47

Pip's POV

We get back to Sam's hotel room. As we enter, Sam goes off on Thomas.

"Thomas, what the fuck?" His eyebrows are furrowed while his eyes glare into Thomas'.

"I don't want you involved with him, Sam." Thomas retorts, looking down.

Sam grabs onto my hand. "Too fucking late."

Thomas looks at me, "Did your dad ever tell you about the shit he did?"

I intertwine Sam's fingers with mine, shaking my head slowly.

Thomas smirks, "Would you like to know?"

Sam sighs. "Thomas, stop. I-It's not your place. You should leave."

Thomas rolls his eyes, "M'kay, kid."

He wanders outside of the hotel, leaving just Sam and I.

His voice was now hushed and soft. "I-I'm sorry."

Holding his hand, I turn him to face me. "It's okay." I look down, breathing in. "It sucks that our families kinda hate each other." I force out a light-hearted laugh, looking back up at his face. I study his feature more often than I realize... he's soft, I guess.

He nods, taking in a breath. His eyes meet mine. "Listen, Philip... I think I like you- even though we've just met- and I wanted to know if you'd go on a second date with me? Just us." His hand weakens, almost slipping out of mine. He flinches back a bit.

I nod slowly, "Yeah- I would like that. M-maybe you can come over to have a better interaction with my dad and John- without Thomas?"

A small smile flickers onto his face. "Yeah, yeah. Now?"

I simply return the grin and pull him outside of the hotel room. We take a few steps over to mine before knocking on the door.
I swipe the key and open the door, walking into the room. Dad is on the couch in front of the TV, holding an icepack to his cheek.
John comes out of the hallway with disinfectant and bandaids.


He looks towards me with a playful smile. "Your dad got hit as Jefferson walked out."

Sam stiffened at my side.

Dad turned to look at the door, "Oh. Hey Pip, Sam."

I greet him with a nod, pulling Sam to the other, separate couch.
John takes a seat by dad, pulling the icepack off to reveal a deep purple bruise and a small cut.
Sam took a deep breath beside me, muttering apologies.

I decide to speak up in attempt to fill the overall silence. "Uh, so... John, dad, can we all... talk? Without Thomas?" I laugh a bit and watch as Sam rubs the back of his neck.

"Yeah- I'm really sorry about that." He murmurs sheepishly, red painting his cheeks and nose.

Dad shrugged, "It's fine, Sam. And yeah, we should try again." A genuine smile appears on his chapped lips while John just nods in agreement, patching up the small injury.

John started off asking questions immediately; basic and normal things.

Dad asks more... different questions. Mainly about if he has a job, what he wants in a future, if he's gay?
It was pretty funny to listen, especially since John was chuckling at the rapid fire questions.

Sam leaves after a bit, leaving me with John and dad.
As he exits, I turn to my dad. "Thoughts?"

He just smiles before nodding, "Better than your previous boyfriend."

I put on a sad smile before muttering a quick, "Definitely," and retreating to my bed, sitting on my phone- texting Sam.


Pip: heyhey no its okay. they like u :)


Pip: i was... startled, to say the least. i wonder if what he said was. true? i dunno

Sam: oh god i hope not- uh im sure everything will be fine?

Pip: the confidence is radiating lmao

Sam: im sorryyyyyy we need to hang out tomorrow? date 2?

Pip: yeah. sounds good. talk to u later?

Sam: definitely:)

Pip: bye!

Sam: byeee :))

I lay down across the bed.

John's POV

I sit next to Alex and replay our conversation that we had in my head.

"D-did you actually..."

His face drained of color, his chocolate eyes darting to the ground before glossing up. A nod.

Sighing, I wrap and arm around him. "I'm not- am I?" I barely notice my tear hitting the concrete.

He shakes his head rapidly, enveloping me in a strong hug. "God, no. I love you more than anything- I... I don't know why I did it to Eliza... I just did?"

I take a breath, "Were they... all guys?"

He nods again, his head digging into the crook of my neck.

I let out a soft chuckle, "So you always knew you were gay?"

He sniffles, "I guess so." A breath escapes his lips along with a short laugh.

"You wouldn't do it to me?"

"No, no. You mean more to me than... than anyone. Besides Pip."

Both of our chuckles reach into the cold air.

He would cheat on Eliza.
That's the part that confused and surprised me the most.

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