Dead -21-

869 64 144


Alex's POV

I sit in the waiting room. I'm spaced out most of the time, except for when John tells me to eat or rest. I don't.

He flatlined an hour ago. No news since.

He's dead.

They're trying to save him, but he won't wake.

He's dead.

He won't wake up.

He's dead.

My child is dead.

My entire body has no feeling. I can't focus on anything.

Everything is cloudy and foggy.

"Alex?" I get out of my trance. John is looking at me, an eyebrow cocked.

"Oh- sorry. Yeah?"

"We should get you home."

I shake my head, "No."

"It's getting late. We've been here for 7 hours. It's already 6 pm."

I shrug, "I'm not leaving. You can. Laf will come."

"Lex, please? Just at least rest. Even here. Please?" His voice is desperate, cracking.

I sigh, "Fine."

He smiles softly.

I let my head fall onto his chest, him leaning back.

I close my eyes.

The memory replays.


I watch as his chest stops.

I watch carefully, trying to find any movement.

I hear a long, unsettling noise.

I look up at the heart monitor.

It goes flat.

My hearing fades out.
My sight blurs.
I can't talk.
Everything goes hazy.
Everything goes in slow motion.

The doctors race in, panic plastered on their faces. One grabs my wrist and shoves me out the door. Followed by John.

The door slams shut.

The buzzing continues.


I bolt up. It's dark.

John's eyes slowly open, "Alex?"

I give a soft hum.

"Go back to sleep, please." He whispers.


I can't.

The memory haunts me.

I stand up and walk to his room. John follows a good bit behind me.

Just noise. Clanging of metal, whispers and orders.

Nothing indistinct.

I sigh and fall against the wall next to the door.

I grab my phone from my pocket.


I block her number immediately.

One below it-


I call him, not caring that it's 9 pm.

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