Chapter 1 : Everyday Life

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Jimin POV

There is a guy in front of me, back facing me. I tried to call out to him, "Excuse me, sir?". He turned to meet my eyes and it is my dad. I miss him so much. I need him. I am not strong enough without him. Without realizing, tears start to roll down my cheeks. Dad looks at me with sad eyes and said "Minnie, I am sorry. Please look after your mom and brother. Remember, I love you." Then, he started to disappear.

"Dad, where are you going? Don't leave me, don't leave us. Dad, dad! dad!!" I cried and cried until I realized that I am on my bed with tears rolling down my cheeks. "It's the same dream again" I mumbled to myself.

2 Months Ago

"It's the same dream again." I wake up from my bed. Start bathing and dressing for my work at the convenience store as a cashier. After finishing dressing up, I walk to the kitchen knowing that my mom's already there. It's at 6.30 am. My mom already starting to prepare breakfast since she knows that I have to be at work at 7.00 am.

As if knowing I am behind her, she turned to look at me with a smile and I hug her lovingly. My mom was diagnosed with cancer for 3 months already. And I am in my first year in college. I know my mom does not want me to drop from college, but I still have to. I need to find the money for my mom's treatment. And she knows that I can be stubborn when I want to be.

As for my dad, he was engaged in an accident and die on the same day in the hospital. It's been a year already. He did leave us some money but I know that it would not be enough for the three of us. So, I decided to start working and take care of my family, so that my brother would be able to finish his studies. My brother, Jihoon is in high school already and I want him to finish his studies until college. So, I have to work hard for him and also for my mom.

After I make sure that my mom has taken her medicine, I heard Jihoon's voice "Morning Hyung, morning mom" walking down the stairs. And we both said morning too. Then I realized that it's already 6.50 am. So I got to go to work since it took 15 minutes to reach there walking. After I bid my goodbye I walked to the door and started running for work so I won't be late.

I heard my mom's voice asking me to be careful on my way and I smile back at her before started running again. After my work at the convenience store, I went home to make sure that my mom takes her medicine since it is already 4.30 pm. She needs to take her medicine at 5.00 pm. My brother usually at home at this time, but since today he has some activity at school, I have to go home and make sure about it.

I am a stubborn person if I want to, and yes, my mom also can be stubborn if she wants to. That's why she tends to not take her medicine when nobody's there to force her. Because according to her, she was not that sick. I know it's her who knows her condition, but it might get worse if she does not take her medicine and I don't want to lose another person who I loved with whole heart again.

Present Time

Today is my holiday from work. But I guess I would not get any rest today either. I started to look for another work that would pay me more than just working in the convenience store and the restaurant, but my luck was not with me since I have not got any call from the place that applied for work yet.

It's been two weeks since I applied for another work and my mom's condition is getting worse. She seemed paler than before and the doctor also suggested that she stay at the hospital. But she doesn't want to because the pay is high. I try to force her but she said that she would rather be with us then saw us suffered finding money for her treatment.

This is my first time writing a story and I just wrote this story because I ship Jikook so much. If you are also an army, we are family.

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